12-Poisoned Blood

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a/n: lol yay i've got 100 reads!! i know that isnt much but for me its a big achievement!! please please continue to read and if its not too much to ask please vote and comment :) they're really very much appreciated! i hope you guys like the story!

*Jacob’s Pov*

‘the wind told me so...’

Now that was just plain creepy and whats more creepier is the way she made the horse run full gallop when she’d never ridden a horse all her life. Things were just getting peachy and those changes were doing my senses an overdrive as i looked at her, her dark hair flying in the wind...she knew exactly what she was doing and who am i to question how she does it when i myself cant explain much on how my family are powerful shifters.

We were now in the middle of the castle courtyard and it was as if we were brought back in time for i saw cobblestone pavements, gargoyles on top of the towers. We were supposed to get wet but instead we were dry and i was staring into glass ceilings and i could see the rain falling like mad on the glass. This was getting too weird all of a sudden. I heard winter’s sharp intake of breath as she moved closer to me...her eyes were focused on the big oak doors that were now open and i could make out hundreds of candles that flickered on and off lined the empty corridors.

‘ok babe...this is just too damn weird. Are we in a horror movie or something?’ i whispered as i helped her down the horse, surprisingly the horse didnt even make a struggle or whine with how eerie our surroundings are.

She giggled nervously and gripped my arm ‘i remember a quiz i took on some website...how far will i make it in a horror movie’

I chuckled at how morbid we both sound and at how cute she is ‘a quiz? Ok...how did that go babe.’

‘i was the last to die because i was constantly protecting my friends...why dont we put that result to good use’ she whispered as she got out her mace and the knife emmett gave her.

‘uhh babe...your family are witches i dont think those stuff would come in handy’ i told her.

She shrugged and pulled me towards the doorway and stopped short as she took a peek inside but seeing there was no one around the hallway we walked in. I was tensed in a way that i softly pushed her behind me and walked infront of her, holding her now sweaty hands but they remained steady in mine. We walked until the end of the hallway and we were now in a bright ballroom of some sort and again it was empty except for more candles and some chairs and couches all over the room. There was a fireplace, light rose curtains,paintings on the wall and bookshelves. It didnt look like a typical castle but a huge mansion...one huge and empty mansion.

‘i would’ve expected a welcome party of some sort’ i grumbled as i looked around ‘they were expecting us babe?’

She nodded and looked at one of the paintings and she suddenly looked at me and pointed to one painting that looked so much like renee, her mother but only older and instead of red hair it was now grey.


‘i know her...she’s my grandmother, but nan’s been dead for years she died in a car accident.’ She whispered ‘in a ravine...they found her car in a ravine.’

I moved to hug her and stared at the painting in front of us. i knew what she was talking about for i attended the funeral service but i remember the cremation and the scattering of ashes...how can this be? Who was the person we mourned and had the ashes scattered. When the painting in front of us looked very much alive and it was as if it was taken a few days ago.

‘what is going on here...’ i whispered ‘maybe we shouldnt be here babe’

She nodded and sighed ‘this is all so confusing...i wish i had answers. If the volturri is after me then i need to protect you guys...’

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