26-Will they ever stop?

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Winter’s Pov

I had to stop myself from crying the minute I held my precious baby in my arms, if there were other words to describe how wonderful and surreal this moment is it would be perfect. The perfect ending for a an equally beautiful love story but sadly I know this isn’t the happy ending I was hoping for but for now I will be content in just holding my beautiful daughter in my arms while my handsome husband is beside me murmuring sweet words of love that only I can hear. I smiled at him and looked up to see that the rest of the Cullens had left us so that we could have a few minutes alone as a family.

‘I love you Jacob…’  I whispered as I gave him a kiss ‘thank you for not giving up on me and for making sure that Deirdre is safe.’

‘you know I would do everything I can to protect you and our daughter, what good would I be without you guys with me? I have vowed to protect you with all of me and now that we have Deirdre I would be guarding you both with my life.’ He answered as he took me in his arms ‘I was so scared when you wouldn’t wake up no matter how hard I try to call you…I know you were only sleeping but to me you looked like you were dying and I couldn’t do anything for you.’

Touching his handsome yet worried face I smiled and leaned closer to him all the while cradling our baby in my arms. Would it be alright to tell him that I was also scared, really scared at the possibility that I could’ve never came back…to not have that chance to see him again and to not be given the chance to hold our daughter and not be able to see her grow up and to see her fall in love and to find out what is she capable of doing. The journey back from the darkness was a journey I could never ever forget…for how could one forget the travel between life and death and now that I am back with my family I would certainly cherish my time with them more. Now that I found out what my powers are capable of doing it somehow gave me an insight to what can we do about the Italian coven. I sighed as I remembered Alec’s cold touch as he tried to take me away from Jacob earlier…it was a good thing my alpha and I are bound to each other that he immediately sensed the danger I was in. I shuddered to think what would’ve happened if Jacob didn’t arrive sooner…

‘I’m here now…nothing happened. Now all we have to do is worry about the volturri while watching the kids grow. Is Carlisle back yet?’ I asked ‘help me stand up babe…we might need to have an urgent family meeting.’

He nodded but didn’t make a move to stand up ‘but you just woke up babe…you need to rest for a bit more don’t you think?’

‘I’m fine babe…I slept for a long while. Did anything happen while I was sleeping? What about Bella? Is she awake?’

Shaking his head he moved to carry me back to the living room where I know the rest of the Cullens are gathered and I couldn’t wait to meet my beautiful niece as well.

‘she hasn’t woke up yet but they said it would be soon…we have to keep the kids away from her for a while just for safety purposes.’

‘Bella wont hurt them babe…’

‘jasper doesn’t trust newborns even if its bella…you do know our encounter with them before.’ He reasoned as he continued to walk towards the living room where I found Alice and Rosalie huddled over Renesmee and when they saw me Alice held out her arms as a silent request for me to give her Deirdre so she could sleep at the crib beside her cousin. I reluctantly gave her my baby and the minute Jacob  set me down on the couch Jasper, Emmett, Edward, Rosalie and Alice gathered close to me to give me a hug. Alice wasn’t so dignified like the rest for she was sobbing like crazy.

‘shh Alice…I’m alright, nothing happened to me. Im here now.’ I told her as I rubbed her back ‘things will be better now’

Rosalie smiled and gave me a bottle of ice cold water and I accepted it gratefully ‘you gave us quite a scare Winter…but we’re glad you’re awake.’

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