8-Bella's wedding and memories

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‘what if i wont be able to walk with these shoes?’

I turned around from checking my hair to look at my sister as she was standing in front of Alice and Rosalie helping her with her gown and her shoes. She looked absolutely stunning on her wedding day, it was as if she was more Bella and into herself than she ever was. She was clearly made to be Edward’s bride and his mate for life. She belonged to the Cullens...and after the wedding she’ll begin her life as one of them, i wont be able to talk to her much or be with her but at least i will be comforted with the fact that she will remain happy.

It was a glorious day as i peered outside the window, the wedding was to be held in the Cullens immaculate backyard with both friends and cousins of some sort coming in from different parts of the world...well from edward’s side that is. Mom was also present, she wouldnt miss bella’s wedding for the world and from where i was standing i could see her talking with dad, billy, sue, carlisle and esme. Edward was in deep discussion with jake,seth, emmett and jasper. The rest of the pack was on patrol just to make sure no gate crashers would destroy bella and edward’s moment. This day belonged to them. Looking back at my fidgeting sister i had to stop myself from grinning at the way she was pouting and as she was trying to walk with her stilettos.

‘cant i wear sneakers?’ she grumbled

Alice shook her head and looked at bella in horror ‘absolutely not isabella swan! This wedding is going to be perfect...you just have to practice wearing heels babe and you’ll be good.’

‘but i’ve been walking in these shoes for a week now...i think i’ll fall if i walk with them’

‘of course not bells...you’ll be perfect. Just be confident and no slouching alright?’ i added as i patted her hand and checked the hem of her dress.

‘winter is right...by the way winter that gown looks absolutely gorgeous on you!’ rosalie said excitedly ‘im sure someone is going to drool’

I laughed and held her hand ‘thank you...its lanvin right? Im not the one getting married...why lanvin?’

‘simple...’ alice said as she combed bella’s hair ‘you girls deserve the best...now bella quit fidgeting or we’ll be late for the wedding.’

Bella sighed and nodded as she fumbled for my hand ‘i am so nervous...can someone walk down the aisle for me?’

‘uhh dont look at me...i’m all good being the bridesmaid. Dont worry mommy and daddy will make sure you wont make a fool of yourself so quit worrying’ i told her with a grin.

As soon as we were done with bella and making sure she looked absolutely perfect for her wedding day, alice and rosalie went out of the bedroom to call our parents so we could all go down for the wedding as soon as the music starts. I smiled at bella as she was gripping her hands in her lap and i stooped down for as low as i can in my gown.

‘you’ll be alright...edward wont let you fall, he’ll freeze time if he has to so you wont make a fool out of yourself’ i told her as i took her hand in mine ‘or should i call jasper so he can calm you down?’

She smiled and shook her head ‘no, its fine...having you here makes me feel better.’

We turned around as we heard the door open and found our smiling father and teary eyed mother. I carefully stood up and helped bella with her wedding dress so she can greet our parents. Mom immediately had her arms around us, enveloping us in a tight hug as she was sobbing softly.

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