21- The Proposal

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a/n:hello you beautiful and awesome readers you!! to those who have read it and is still reading it despite the long wait...thank you all so much from the bottom of my fan girl heart! you sure know how to make a girl happy. i hope you guys like the way things are going between winter and jake. i will make sure to try and give you the best in every chapter. please dont forget to read, vote and comment. those are greatly appreciated, it lets me know that you like it and if you do then i will keep posting updates...please, please, please?? (inserts puppy dog face or eyes...and a silly dance) i love you guys!!

'Alice? Why do I need to dress up?'

I looked at this beautiful pixie in front of me as she deposited me on her bed as she busied herself from inside her walk in closet doing who knows what. I sighed when I heard her muffled answer from somewhere inside. It was my first time to be invited inside Alice and Jaspers' love nest...and to be inside their bedroom at that. Every inch of the house screamed expensive, designer stuffs just like its owners. I walked towards the balcony and was amazed by the dark rose damask curtains...even the wallpaper is expensive. The bedroom looked very much like a bedroom in one of the Hollywood mansions in California...and I just knew I didn't belong here,but Alice being Alice surprised me with a call when I was busy preparing for lunch, it sounded urgent so forgetting whatever it is I needed to do I drove towards the Cullens and there I found myself being dragged by Alice towards her house saying I need to dress up for something important...no explanations whatsoever.

'Are you going to feed me to the sharks?' I asked again as I touched the soft curtains.

'Try this red Dior dress will you love?' She asked as she handed me a designer dressed that had me stepping back to which she gave off a laugh as she looked at my face 'what's wrong? You don't like it?'

'Did you say Dior?' I asked as I pointed at the dress 'a Dior?'

Laughing she pushed me inside the bathroom and nodded 'its just a dress and I haven't worn that since I got it in Paris...it would look good on you'

I looked at the Swarovski crystals surrounding the bodice and how soft the fabric was

and smiled at how pretty it is...it was something I wanted for my own, and it was something I know Jake would like on me, speaking of jake where the hell is my imprint? I haven't talked to him nor one of the guys thru our mind link and that was weird. Usually it was all so noisy and full of wise cracks whenever I would listen in but today the silence was eerie and it wasn't something I was used to.

Alice was now holding a black jimmy choo pumps and was grinning at me, she knew I was a sucker for those pumps and practically begged her to get me a pair when she and Rosalie was in one of their shopping trips abroad.

'You have to let me buy the dress and the shoes Alice...I don't know if I can give them back after.' I whispered in awe 'these are so pretty...'

'You deserve nothing but the best love and those ate yours. It's a gift...' She said.

'A gift? From whom?'

Shaking her head she pointed at the bathroom and pushed me gently inside 'question me later for now we don't want to be late, I prepared a bath for you...you better get dressed love for today is special'

I wanted to ask her another question but she had other plans for I heard her lock the door from the outside and I knew I was left alone. I sighed and shook my head trying to remember any special event that would happen today but I found none. It wasn't Carlisle or esme's anniversary neither was it Rosalie and Emmett's or Alice and Jasper's, what was so special about today that I was being pampered like this?

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