3-Quileute Legends and Imprints

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author's note:

i hope you guys like how the story goes...please please leave comments!!

‘shut up and just kiss me jacob...this one is long overdue’ i whispered

He laughed and pulled me closer to him ‘anything that my lovely wife wants she gets..’

And as soon as our lips touched i heard dozens of bells ringing close to my ear...the sound was defeaning and it annoyed the hell out of me.

I groaned as i sat up on my bed and fumbled for the alarm clock on my bedside table, it was barely 8 in the morning and i was rudely awakened from my dream. It was then my eyes flew open and my cheeks turned red from embarrasment as i remembered what my dream was...i was having rated thoughts of my best friend.

‘how could you Winter Rose Swan...you dirty little slut’ i whispered and broke out into a fit of laughter as i covered my face with a pillow fearing that Jake and Edward could hear me or find my dream out.

I shrugged and stretched my arms...seeing the soft sunlight outside my window i walked towards it...it brought a promise of a wonderful day and i have the whole day to myself before Jake picks me up tonight..and as i was reminded of our so called ‘date’ later it dawned on me that i never asked him if it was a formal event. I sighed and grabbed my towel and walked inside the bathroom after deciding to drop by at La Push later to ask him or maybe i’ll just seek out Alice’s advice since she knows quite a ton about fashion but looking at how sunny it was i doubt she would want to go shopping with me.

‘where is my twin when i need a shopping companion?!’ i grumbled and this time i hope edward hears me ‘hey eddie just for today allow me to hate you for taking away my sister from me...’

I was answered with a snort and a chuckle...it was weird how i can communicate with him, he can read my thoughts and i can hear his answers but i cant so much guess whats going in his mind. Same as with the rest of the pack...and thinking about the pack made me think of leah, she might be free to accompany an old gal pal for a shopping trip in Forks or maybe go down to Seattle for the day. That girl sure needs a break from all the males around her...and knowing about her heartbreak i cant help but want her company all the more...misery loves company so they said.

After shower i decided to wear white short shorts paired off with my pink tank top and my converse, i decided to just put my hair in a ponytail and when that was done i made my bed and skipped all the way downstairs with my phone in hand and wallet in my pocket. I was looking for leah’s number as i made my way into the kitchen for a glass of milk. I was on the process of pouring my milk in a glass when she answered my call...

‘hi winter, whats up?’ she answered and surprisingly she sounded cheerful when she did, i took that as a good sign...finally a friend and this time she’s a girl minus the fact that she was also one of the pack.

‘hey leah...uhh listen i was wondering if you would like to hang out with me today? I mean i havent seen you in a while. Are you back in La Push?’ i asked her as i took a long gulp from my milk and remembered when Seth told me that Leah was out of town.

She laughed and i could hear Seth’s whining at the background ‘i’m home...just got home last night and im already bored beyond words. And yes i would love to hang out...with another girl, finally!’

‘yay! Uhh i was thinking of going shopping today, i mean...you know’ i answered.

‘seth told me you and jake have a date tonight...we could also ask Kim to come with us, is that alright?’

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