27- Welcome Back Bella

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Bella’s Pov

I listened to my twin and my husband Edward filling me in on what happened when I was giving birth and after, from the minute Winter came in to save me from death and how Edward turned me into a vampire so I can live. Though it wasn’t the way I wanted to be changed for I wanted to be aware of it the minute he does it but I couldn’t wish for the perfect timing. I was looking at my daughter who was sleeping in the crib and beside her is my sleeping niece. I had to smile and force myself to wait a bit more before I can carry both of them, Jasper and Rosalie was watching me like a hawk though I know they were just being extra careful with me being a newborn vampire even if I am their sister now still I couldn’t help but feel a bit of pain knowing they don’t trust me with my own daughter and my own niece.

I watched how Jacob and Emmett was pacing back and forth at the front porch and how they were trying to talk about how Alec has gotten inside the house without them knowing and endangering Winter’s life in the process, I walked towards my sister and she smiled at me, though she was smiling I can feel her sadness and worry as I look at her, being a vampire didn’t bring much change to me for I still move like a klutz hitting things from time to time and I know it will take a while before I get used to this changes in my body but there were two things I know I would miss…to feel the warmth of a human skin, to be able to feel the warmth of my sister’s touch on my cheek and of course to hear my beating heart. To the world I should be dead, a creature of the night but there I was reunited once more with my family and I have the chance to be a mother to my daughter and continue being a wife to Edward without the constant worry of having to age and dying.

‘Winter…I know you’re upset…’ I whispered as I saw her fighting the tears in her eyes ‘but I also know you understand…’

She sniffled and nodded and continued touching my cheek ‘I understand but you cant take away my right to be sad and to somehow grieve, you’re no longer human Bella and I know you’re very happy and content with your decision but allow me to grieve for a while. I will miss holding you and knowing you’re alive and you’re the Bella I know. But being vampire suites you…you belong in their world’

It was then I understood her worries the minute I told her about my plan of being a vampire, how selfish of me to only think of my happiness when my sister has done nothing but sacrifice her happiness for me and when she risked her life saving me and Renesmee instead of repaying her I only thought of myself and she had to watch me slowly die and now I awaken as a vampire…how could I hurt her time and time again?

‘I’m so sorry-‘ I said but she placed her finger on my lip and shook her head sending her beautiful black hair swinging and covering her now tear stricken face.

‘there’s no need for you to apologize, I love you and will always support you in whatever you decide. Now that you’re a vampire we can focus more on protecting our family from the volturri’s wrath. Please don’t be guilty about anything, you’re my twin sister and I would do everything I can for you and my niece’ she said and smiled at me ‘you look very pretty’

‘I love you Winter Rose Black…’ I whispered as I hugged her as tight as I could trying to tell her without words that I admire her and I will always be thankful for her and for everything that she has ever done for me and for our family. I know I wouldn’t be half as wonderful as she is but there will always be one Winter and whatever happens in the future she will always be my sister.

As I hugged her I felt the sudden rush of desire stir within my insides, I looked at the bulging vein in her neck and it took all of my will power not to give in to my desire to feed. I have never felt anything like this before and it came as a shock…and it wasn’t only Winter’s blood that was so appealing to me but seeing Jacob’s healthy body outside with Emmett…this isn’t working well. I slightly shook my head and calmly walked towards my waiting husband, silently telling him to take me out of here for a while.

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