11-Alice's Vision and Castle Donovan

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*Jacob’s Pov*

I groaned as i felt my head hit something hard and i slowly opened my eyes and tried to reach for winter but the bed was empty and she was nowhere in sight. I bolted out off the bed and walked barefooted towards the bathroom but found it empty, her robe was not on the chair, her slippers were gone...where could she be??

I was quickly reminded of our visitor last night and i tried to get my senses together if she’d been captured...but that was impossible, she was sleeping close to me last night and i didnt feel anything weird or having someone in our room other than ourselves. I was about to go out of our room to look for her when the door opened and my imprint just walked inside our room and smiled at me.

‘good morning babe...’

I rushed towards her and checked her face, her arms and her neck, she looked at me as if i lost my head and touched my face.

‘are you alright? You dont look uhh you today...’ she whispered and led me back into the bed ‘you can rest for a bit...we dont have to go today.’

I shook my head and gave her a hug remembering what happened last night and how close was i to loosing her...that thought depressed me even more as i heard her sigh as she was rubbing my back.

‘jake? Whats wrong?’

‘you dont remember?’ i asked as i searched her face for any signs of bruises and it was then i saw faint marks around her neck, they looked like scratch marks of some sort ‘these marks...dont you remember?’

She shook her head and touched her neck ‘i dont know...all i know is when i woke up early this morning my neck and throat was hurting. Its an effort to talk’

I nodded and carried her to the bed, the need to protect her and be with her was overwhelming yet i welcomed it. We belong together and i was a fool to not have realize that even before, but when i was too engrossed with my feelings for bella i was neglecting my imprint...and that made me a very lousy protector but now that i have a chance to redeem myself i will do everything that i can to see that she’s safe even if it means i have to tie her to my hip everytime.

‘next time babe dont leave the room without me...you know it isnt safe’ i said as she snuggled next to me ‘we’re not in La Push or Forks anymore love...’

She sighed and kissed my neck sending shivers down my spine and she smiled to look up at me, blue eyes showing so much trust and love and i wondered if i could ever love her as much as she loves me.

‘im sorry, i just ordered breakfast for us...the phone wasnt working. Uh jakey...i had a very strange dream...’ she said and sighed as she touched her neck and stared out the open window ‘a figure...crooked, bent, filled with anger...it was reaching for my neck and when i woke up it was hurting...’

‘babe...that wasnt a dream, or perhaps you were but we could’ve been in the exact same dream except for the fact that i was awake and i saw it.’

‘it was real? It was trying to kill me?’ she whispered and i could feel her shake in my arms as she was taking deep breaths. ‘where did it go?’

I sighed and kissed her hair ‘it vanished...i couldnt leave you alone because it seemed to me you were in great pain and you were having trouble breathing.’

She nodded and hugged me tight, as if i was her lifeline and if she lets me go she’ll fall to the floor and wouldnt be able to stand up again. It only took a few minutes before she regained composure and looked at me with determined eyes, eyes who knows what she’s going to do but still asking for guidance. I smiled and nodded my understanding.

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