44-Meeting Celestine

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A/N: Hi beautiful readers!! I am so overwhelmed with your support and your love for this story. Again I deeply apologize for not updating this in so long. 

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Much love everyone and stay safe!

*Winter's POV*

Whoever is making that racket outside my bedroom door deserves to die a very painful death. I opened my eyes slowly and half wishing, half praying to be home with my family or if I can't get that since Forks is so far away from this forsaken hell hole, I would rather be home in Donovan Castle.

But here I am, in this damp and dark castle with a screaming banshee outside my bedroom door. I had to smile a little at her painful screech for I have put a protective spell around my bedroom and no one...not even Aro or that creepy vampire who stays next door...what was his name again? Caius...right, is strong enough to break the spell I created.

This bitch won't be vampire kibble tonight or tomorrow or for as long as I dare to stay here. I just need some sort of plan to weaken the vampires that are staying here and to avoid an impending blood bath in a week's time.

I sighed as the screaming kept getting louder and the louder it gets the more, I ignored it.

"you can keep on screaming your lungs out that door will remain locked until I say so!"

I shouted back and cocooned myself underneath the blanket fort I made. I need a plan and I need to have one before dawn for who knows what Aro plans for me and I certainly have no dreams of joining his vampire cult nor be married off to one of his vampire brothers. The old and wrinkled face of Magnus made me want to bolt while yes Caius has maintained his looks, he was still an enemy and I have no plans of being in the same room as him much more marrying him. As for Aro marrying me to gain hold of my powers...I snorted at that, the bastard is too absorb and too full of himself to ever want to marry anyone and it made me wonder...was he gay or was he simply too much of a narcissist to be in love with someone other than his self? I really need to stop with this incredulous thoughts of mine and focus on the task at hand for wondering if Aro is gay or not wont be helping me in my predicament.

I looked at my hands and marveled at how I have come to master my craft as an empath and as a witch but what good use of that would be to my family if I'm dead? I am tired and I have barely slept since I barricaded myself into this room maybe it was time to clear my thoughts maybe then I would get the answers that I need.

I closed my eyes and imagined walking around the fields that surrounded Donovan Castle with the wind softly and gently caressing my face. I felt peace here...I felt a sense of belonging and my powers whom I thought was useless felt a surge of energy. It was as if the trees, the lush green grass and the wildflowers were giving me their energy. Here in this magical land the trees were alive, the grass and the ground underneath my bare feet were bestowing upon me their blessings and I smiled in gratitude.

I continued my walk and found myself in a clearing just outside the castle. From where I was standing, I could see the village from a distance but what strike me as odd for I don't remember passing through it when Jake and I first visited this place. I turned around and found the familiar white tower of Donovan Castle and I knew I was in the right place...the only question left is was I still in the right time?

"You have come...you have heard my plea, thank you."

I turned around at the sound of that voice and it was as if I was looking at my reflection for I was staring at a woman who looked exactly like me except for the fact that she was wearing a what looked like to be a very expensive Victorian gown and it honestly looked like she has stepped out from a fairy tale. Her hair was as red as fire and her eyes were that of the sky and in them, I found joy, hope and longing. Who could this woman be?

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