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A/N: I haven't updated in soo long and I honestly thought no one is reading Perfect anymore but thank you...from the bottom of my fan girl heart thank you all so much.
This update will be a bit short as I am working on the next chapters for Perfect. I still hope that you would continue reading this and will still support me.
Thanks again everyone!!

*Jacob's Pov*

I sighed as I combed my hair in frustration. I honestly don't want to think about negative things nor would I want to dwell in them but for what seemed to be the nth time that morning as I tried my hardest to reach my wife using our mind link I seem to always reach a dead end. She was simply not answering...it was as if she has disappeared in my life without leaving a single clue as to where she is.

I leaned back as I watched our sleeping daughter and how she looks so much like Winter and it took a lot out of him to stop himself from screaming in pain and anger. The loss of his mate angered my wolf...the loss of my wife pains me. Did she trust me so little that she decided to abandon a sinking ship and went to God knows where?

We were alright before she disappeared...we talked about our future once the confrontation with the Vulturri is over so why the hell is she missing and where the hell could she be?!

'Winter please...please my love tell me where you are. I need to know. I have to know.'

I whispered as I touched the wolf pendant nestled safely in my shirt. The only connection I have left with my wife but even that she cut off. I fought the sudden urge to shift for my daughter was slowly opening her eyes.

'mommy?' she whispered as her eyes got used to the darkness. she then smiled as she saw me and moved closer to where I was sitting. 'daddy...'

I smiled and kissed her nose making her giggle 'hello my love...did you have a bad dream? will daddy have to kick monsters?'

she shook her head and grinned at me 'no monsters this time daddy.' she then scrunched her cute button nose and looked at me 'please don't be mad at mommy.'

'oh love I am not mad at your mommy...never. Daddy is just worried about her. She needs to be home so she' ll be safe.'

I answered Deirdre as I held her close to me. In my misery I forgot that I have a daughter who also misses her mom.

'mommy's alright daddy...she will be home soon.'

I stopped at what my daughter said and looked at her smiling face.


'she told me so...' Deirdre said with a smile as she reached for her locket and handed it to me. 'trust, daddy that's what she said...what does that mean?'

I looked at the locket on my palm half afraid to open it for I don't know what I would do if she decided to leave me a Dear John letter. I closed my eyes and focused on Deirdre's question but when I was about to answer her I found her hugging her pillow already sound asleep as if she was never awake a moment ago.

I found myself smiling again because of our little miracle. Why did I momentarily forget the connection they both have? and that their bond...their bond as mother and daughter simply know no bounds. That our Deirdre is a part of me but moreover a part of her. With that realization I found hope...hope that my luna did not abandon our pack and our family.

I quietly stepped out into our balcony finally finding some peace no matter how tiny it might be. I opened my palm and looked at the locket I was still clutching. I sure hope she has a message inside for me so I can finally stop assuming the worse.

I slowly opened the heart shaped locker and had to stop myself from crying...for how could I not. Our family picture was inside it and we were smiling at the camera. I remembered I vowed to keep her safe and make her happy but looking back it made me wonder was she really happy with me?

Shaking my head as if to erase the sad reality I found a small piece of paper tucked neatly inside Deirdre's locket and my wolf howled at the familiar scent that he got a whiff off...our mate and her delicate smell. It had that calming effect on the both of us and it felt good.

I slowly opened the letter and I looked at her lovely handwriting. I smiled a little for ever since we were kids Winter's penmanship has always captivated me. It was both beautiful and classic. Bella and I have always envied her for it.

'my love...you have always been so impulsive.' I whispered as I read her note.

I closed my eyes as my fingers were slowly tracing every word she wrote. Every curves and loops down to her dainty signature. My wife...my other half and my mate. I may not be a witch like you but what I do know is that we were bonded together and I will do whatever it takes to find you and bring you back...back home to where you belong.

I continued my search using only the letter in my hand knowing full well it's the only way I can get to see her and tell her that I will save her. I focused on her heartbeat and it was loud...and it helped me find her. She was hidden underneath some blankets as if she was making a fort out of it...but she was in an unfamiliar room and it looked old and my wolf didn't want her there.

'easy buddy, we' ll get her home soon.' I whispered to my now agitated wolf. 'just where the hell are you Winter Rose Black?!.'

It was then she shifted and looked outside her blanket and scrunched her nose looking very much like Deirdre. She looked around and closed her eye as if sensing my presence. She smiled a little bit and in that moment we connected.

'took you long enough my dear husband.' she whispered and she sighed 'I am safe...we're safe. I'll talk soon ok? Take care of everyone. I love you.'

with that she broke off our connection but unlike before I felt a little bit relieved that she and our little one was safe and like what she told Deirdre I just have to trust her.

'I will get you home...come hell or high water you will be home my love.'


I am honestly appalled upon hearing that there was a mortal living around the castle and as to why Aro would allow such is beyond me. Is this human a prize of some sort or does he mean more to Aro and the rest of the high ranking vampires that ruled Voltera? A mere human...a food source is right inside this castle...how disgusting.

Humming softly to myself as I entered one of the hallways were vampires like me are not allowed to enter I smiled as I inhaled the familiar scent of wood and stone mixed with the soft scent of lavander and a scent more pleasing to my senses welcomed me.

I looked behind me to see if Felix or any of the guards were following as I slowly and discreetly make my way to where Caius was. I was on my way to see my lover and I didn't want to be caught for fear of being destroyed by one of the guards or the twins. I was Caius's secret slave and if I was caught there will be a price to pay. I walked the familiar dim lit corridors until I found the room I was looking for. I knocked softly and entered his chamber. I looked around and found Caius sitting on his desk and smiling to himself while holding something in his hand.

'you seem so happy tonight my lord...did anything happen?' I whispered as I walked towards him and that familiar erratic beating of my heart started again.

He smiled at me and shook his head 'it's nothing...'
I nodded and moved to sit on his desk facing him as I gently played with his hair.

'I heard a rumor around the castle...' I started and my eyes caught sight of what he was holding...it was a photograph. A photograph of a woman and he was looking at her longingly.
Who could she be? She couldn't be my replacement for she looks so young and innocent and Caius wasn't the type to long for virgins to warm his bed.

'who is she?' I asked.

He looked up and closed his eyes before whispering 'I found her Tina. I finally found my mate...'

A/N:A filler chapter but what is Tina's role in the story? Read on to find out!

And for those BTS fans...my fellow ARMY I will be writing story about them soon!

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