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i know this isnt your typical twilight story...lol but let me just say that in this story bella doesnt get pregnant until after a year since her wedding..you know the vision of the donovans and stuff. to those who are reading this...thank you so so much!!

**Jacob’s pov**

I closed my eyes as i stared at the moonlit sky...if only i can count all the stars and bring one for my mate and our daughter as so to ease the pain of our coming separation when daylight breaks. They were sleeping soundly on our bed both clearly exhausted from the activities of that day. Winter was slowly getting used to being an empath, it all came naturally to her. she was also taught how to trick an opponent but mostly the donovan women took turns in helping her accept her new duty as protector, as their remaining link to prolong their bloodline. She accepted everything with grace and worked very hard in her training, she would wake up everyday for a week before the sunrises and would only stop her training to speak to me and our daughter. She was slowly changing into a more stronger woman, a braver mate and that was so lovely about her. i remember one of our morning walks around the castle grounds while our daughter was skipping ahead of us playing with some butterflies around her.

I smiled at winter as she touched my hand a quiet request for us to hold hands while we walk the grounds together. She decided to take a break from her training to be an empath to spend time with both deirdre and i. She looked up at the glass ceiling and reached out with her other hand, as if a silent attempt to reach the sky and as she did so i felt a warm sensation creep to our intertwined hands and into my system...it was as if she had somehow transferred the heat of the sun into my body. I looked up at her and she smiled at me.

‘i just want to tell you that you’re my ray of sunshine...you and our beautiful daughter over there. You guys are my hope...’ she whispered then sighed ‘i want to be perfect for you...’

‘what do you mean babe? You dont need to be perfect well you dont have to try very hard...you’re perfect to me’ i said as i gave her a hug, my hands touching her face and giving her tiny kisses. ‘you will always be perfect to me...nothing and nothing will ever change how i feel for you...’

She grinned and nodded ‘even if i grow horns? Or if i turn into a unicorn? Or if i get to fly?’

I laughed and hugged her ‘you can be such a dork babe but you’re my dork...and unicorns are awesome! It would fun if you can fly...just take me with you’

‘i love you jacob ephraim black...but really i want to be worthy of being your mate. I want you to be proud of me and i will work hard to get there.’

I sighed and felt my heart soar upon hearing her say those words...i kissed the tip of her nose and touched our foreheads together, my eyes met her dark blue eyes which was now close to tears...

‘the minute i imprinted on you...i wouldnt want to change you in anyway. You’re perfect just being you. You didnt need to change who you are or work so hard to get anybody’s approval,just incase you forgot my family and friends loves you to death. Though you being a sexy witch is a plus to all your beautiful traits...life couldnt get better than this babe...i only need you and our daughter.’

I smiled at the memory and moved closer to the bed to watch my family sleeping, they were picture perfect and i would patiently wait til the time when our little girl arrives and we’ll be living peacefully without the threat of the volturri. Winter must’ve felt me watching her for she stirred in her sleep and opened her sleepy eyes to look at me.

‘why arent you sleeping jakey? We have quite a long way to go before we reach mullingar...’ she whispered sleepily and patted the spot next to our daughter ‘sleep daddy...’

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