2-give me a chance

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I could feel the cold and misty air of the forest wrap around me as i sat on jacob’s back...right, he transformed into a huge russet wolf right before my very eyes stripping naked and all. But he looked so perfect and beautiful being a wolf as i patted his back but i wasnt that ready to forgive him for i was hurting from everything else. He loves my sister despite her belonging to Edward he still loves her endlessly...and where does that leave me? waiting for him in vain?

‘brokenhearted thats what’ i grumbled as he finally set me down at the edge of the clearing and disappeared behind the trees ‘gee this should be romantic...dragging me away from my house and leaving me alone here.’

I sighed and from where i was standing i could hear the soft splashing of water as it meets the shore and it was then i realized he brought me to the beach where i first met him when we were kids...that very same beach i told him about the divorce and i was leaving Forks to be with my mom.

‘we played here a lot...remember?’ he said from behind me, he was now dressed in shorts, topless as usual and he was also shoeless now ‘sorry about the stripping earlier.’

‘i didnt see much if thats what you’re worried about’ i said as i turned away so he wouldnt see me blush ‘why did you bring me here jake?’ and for a while i was glad that edward wasnt there to listen to my thoughts.’

Instead of answering he held his hand out and for the first time i didnt hesitate as i gave him my hand and together we walked in silence remembering our childhood together when everything was normal and when everything was less complicated. I inhaled the salty air and felt the cold ocean air wrap around me, it was cold that night but i know i wouldnt feel the cold because of jake beside me. he always felt warm and looking at his muscular arms and perfectly chiseled body i fought the sudden urge to kiss him and i groaned knowing he can somehow hear my thoughts...which made everything weird. Edward can read my mind but not bella’s, jacob and the pack can read my thoughts as well...so what was i? A cross between a vampire and a werewolf? With super powers i hope...them reading my mind both marveled and frustrated the hell out of me for i cant seem to have a private moment with mysel without having to think of how they would react. I sighed and look at jake’s handsome face and he looked more irresistable every minute.

‘and i want you to know you’re very beautiful..very beautiful Winter’ he whispered as he pulled me in his arms and i looked up to his beautiful eyes and it was as if he didnt see anyone else but me.

I shook my head but buried my face in his chest and i could smell him, his scent that was uniquely his. He smelled of fresh pine, peppermmint and it was raising a havoc to my senses.

‘what is this all about jake? You didnt drag me all the way out here to reminisce did you?’ i whispered but i didnt make a move to leave his arms, in fact if i could i would stay there forever.

‘i brought you here to tell you that i want my best friend back...winter, will you take me back?’ he whispered.

*jake’s pov*

‘will you take me back?’

I whispered to her and i found myself staring into her deep blue eyes, they were like dark pools and i cant help but drown in them. She was so perfect in every way, yes she and bella were twins and i have come to terms that bella will never see more than a brother and since she’s happy with the blood sucker (no offense edward) who am i to take her happiness away and somewhere in the back of my mind i heard edward laugh and say his thanks and warned me not to make winter cry again. It took me a whole to realize that it was never bella...yes i love her but not as much as how i feel for this tiny girl in my arms who was looking at me as if i lost my head.

The very first day she came back to Forks looking like she owned the place, the way she stood up to sam just because she thought sam influenced me to be part of a gang of juvenile delinquents, the way she protected seth like a mother and gained the respect of the pack and the way she endlessly plotted a list of things to kill edward when he left bella. I knew she wouldnt just be my best friend...she has become my imprint. Could it be too late? When i was busy loving her twin she was busy protecting me from the heartbreak...when the news of bella and edward’s engagement came it wasnt so tough to accept anymore, yes after the wedding bella would be one of them but she would be happy and that was all that matters. Now it was time for me to be happy with winter...if only she would accept me.

‘take you back? Were you even mine jake?’ she asked as she looked at the ocean ‘from day one it was bella...bella this, bella that...bella needs me. i knew then you werent really mine’

‘we’re best friends winter...’ i answered ‘we love each other...fiercely if i may add’

She snorted and slapped my hands away from her hips ‘i dont love you anymore...i love seth more now’ she said with a pout.

I laughed and pulled her closer but not before feeling my heart being pierced with a million daggers at what she just said...it was pure jealousy i know and there was no reason to get jealous...she’s my imprint...mine and they wouldnt touch her, they would protect her in anyway possible.

‘you cant be serious about that...give me time to make it up to the girl who means the world to me...’

‘i mean the world to you? Really? Uhh thats kinda creepy jake and funny for i thought bella’s your world...’ she whispered ‘dont get me wrong, i love her to death and everyone knows that but you neglecting me was way too much’

‘when you left...’ i breathed and took her back in my arms again, this time she didnt push me away but just sighed contently in my embrace like she always did before ‘the day you left for Florida...you took my heart with you’

She narrowed her eyes up at me and she stuck her tongue out...she was just so darn cute when she’s mad that i cant help but chuckle and pull her even closer.

‘would you like to go out with me tomorrow night?’ i asked

‘where are we going jake?’ she asked suspiciously ‘no tricks or pushing me off a cliff?’

I laughed and shook my head ‘its going to be a special night tomorrow and i want you to be there with me...’

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