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A/N: A filler chapter. I wanted something light for this one.

I will be updating soon!! 

Bella's POV

And just like that my beautiful twin ended our mind link and left me in the dark as to what I have to know.

I have already made up my mind to go to Voltera as soon as I find the book she wanted. I wouldn't let her face this alone and we will have to face the wrath of both our families if ever we do make out of this alive but I have left her alone for far too long and knowing that she was carrying made me more determined. I know she wouldn't let anything bad happen to herself and she can very well protect herself if need be but still she would have better chances if she had a vampire by her side. 

And by that vampire I mean myself.

I was about to turn the lights on as soon as I found myself inside Alice and Jasper's cottage...more like a mini mansion if you ask me. I shook my head as my sight adjusted in the dark...right I'm a vampire the dark is not an issue anymore. 

'get a grip Bella your twin needs you and now is not the time to crack jokes.'

I began searching for the book Winter wanted when I found myself being led to the desk by an unknown force. It was as if something was telling me I will find what my twin needed in that big mahogany desk that adorned the center of the room near the big window. Like most of the furniture that surrounded me this was probably centuries old much like it's beloved owner whom we greatly miss.

'please come home Alice, Jasper...we need you.' I whispered as I walked towards the desk my hands feeling the cold interior. 'help me find what Winter needs for me to be able to help her.'

I knew I was looking for a book but for someone who was never really that passionate about books this feels like looking for a needle in a haystack. 

I was in a library for crying out loud...there were probably hundred of books here and all first editions if I may add for who am I kidding? Next to Carlisle and my husband Jasper was also fond of books and all 3 of them has amassed a wonderful collection that would put the Vatican archives to shame.

I started opening drawers careful to not break anything...vampire or not I was still as clumsy as ever and I am partly glad that I didn't change so much. 

Opening drawers after drawers proved to be rewarding for as I sat down and opened the last drawer at the bottom I found what I was looking for.

It was an old book yet very much loved for Jasper has taken extra care in making sure the old writings and the pages though yellowed with age was still intact and readable.


I whispered as I checked it's contents and true to what my twin has said this book indeed has all the castles in the area more importantly it had the very lay out of the castle she was currently in.

Scribbling a note for my husband to find as soon as he starts looking for me I wasted no time in transporting myself to where my twin was. It wasn't too difficult for my connection with her was even more stronger than what I had with Edward, we were after all twins. 

I found her looking out into the castle courtyard deep in thought and she wasn't really paying attention to anything else for she didn't even notice my presence in the room with her.

She felt the chill alright but she didn't mind it for she continued to stare out into the moonlit courtyard her face transfixed on something that was outside.

I walked towards her and took a peek at what she was looking at. 

The vast courtyard showed nothing but trees and a big fountain that had Aro's ugly statue as a centerpiece. I shuddered at that and it was then as I looked a little farther away from the fountain and at a bench near the sprawling garden I saw a figure sitting. His blond hair a dead give away of who he was.


'no shit sherlock...what the hell???'

 she screamed as she turned to look at me but her surprise was then replaced by worry and relief as she gave me a hug.

'I am here now...I am here to help.' I whispered as I gently returned her hug 'there's something different about you though.'

she smiled a little as she guided me to the bed and for a castle owned by one ugly and ego maniac vampire the room my twin was in looked like something out of a fairy tale. The big canopy bed was a dead give away that Aro had a soft spot for fairy tales.

'what an irony...a vampire who loves fairy tales.' I grumbled as Winter gave me a smile.

There was something very different about her, yes she was still my twin and her appearance was still the same except maybe the age old intelligence I can see in her eyes. 

I sat beside her and held her hand it was then I noticed the burn marks on her fingers and she sucked her breath the second I touched them.

'where did you get these Winter?'

'I killed a vampire...she was being a bitch and wanted to kill me.' she said as she closed her eyes 'I didn't mean to but it was either her or me.'

My sweet twin sister who we all thought could never hurt a fly didn't just tell me she killed a vampire? Now I know what was different about her...she was in her Luna and empath mode and to anyone who gets in her way...well don't tell me I didn't warn you. You definitely wouldn't want to get in her bad side.

'If I can ask how did you kill her?' I asked for I couldn't hide the excitement in my voice.

Rolling her eyes she pointed at the daggers on the bed 'I got these from Ireland...our ancestor. Celestine Donovan, Caius' wife.'

'wife? that bastard has a wife??' 

She nodded and sighed again 'this is going nuts...but she told me in my vision that the only way that we have a fighting chance is if we can somehow kill Aro.'

'you're really serious about this? and are you sure we can do this?'

'we? Bella...you shouldn't have come here you know Aro wants you to join his coven and if he finds you here I wouldn't know what he'll do.' she answered and the tears she was trying to hide fell.

She was tired that much I know but she wanted to finish this, she was doing this for our families and for once and for all for us to be able to finally live in peace with our daughters.

'you aren't alone Winter remember that. I am here...now tell me how are we going to kill that ugly vampire. We need to come home before Edward and Jacob finds out about our plans.'

She grimaced at what I just said for she knew how over protective and unreasonable our husbands can be. It was as if they forget that their wives also has abilities and wouldn't require their protection most of the time.

'I am actually more afraid in facing our husbands than Aro...' she answered and touched her ring 'let's pay our nana a short visit Bella.'

and that was the last thing I remembered her saying as she reached out for my hand.

Wait she said nana? We're going to Ireland??

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