6-Goodbye highschool, bye bella?

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*winter's pov*

The days went by as quickly as i spent everyday with Jacob in perfect bliss. Learning more about him, finding more about the tribe, being Seth’s another sister, spending time with the Cullens, teasing my dad and saving Bella from being vampire kibble before her wedding. My beautiful sister was slowly becoming a nervous wreck because of her wedding jitters and it was up to me to make sure that dear edward has a bride on their wedding day. But before that glorious event, me, Bella and the rest of the Forks High seniors will be graduating...moving on to greener pastures. And today was that day...

I just got done curling the tips of my hair as i swept it up in a bun that left soft curls around my face, after applying a light make up i heard alice’s tinkling voice inside bella’s bedroom arguing about her make up. I had to giggle at bella’s refusal...so like her to hate dressing up. I wonder if she’ll be the same when she becomes a vampire? I was about to get out of my robe when alice’s pretty face peeked from my door and she gave off a squeal as soon as she saw me.

‘you look gorgeous!!’ she said as she dragged bella inside my room ‘i’m having a hard time with bella here...’

I laughed as i hugged them and took a long look at bella ‘nah she looks perfect...now we need to get dressed.’

‘and i just have the perfect dresses...i got those from France’ Alice beamed as she handed me a paper bag ‘you should wear the peach one since it brings out the color of your eyes and bella the soft rose...now hurry up. We’ll see you at school’ she said before closing the door.

I took the dress out and i had to stop myself from squealing at how pretty it looked. The hem was just right above my knees and it perfectly hugged my body, and as always Alice was right it did bring out the color of my eyes. I looked at bella as she slipped on her dress and checked her reflection on the mirror and she wrinkled her nose. I laughed and hugged her.

‘get used to wearing dresses, you’ll be getting married soon! You look beautiful!’ i told her ‘mom will be so proud’

She smiled and hugged me ‘she will be, her little winter is the class valedictorian...i am so proud of you sis’

I was about to say something when dad called from downstairs that jacob and edward was already waiting for us. i walked towards my open window and true enough jake’s silver bmw was parked next to ed’s volvo. I smiled at bella as i grabbed my purse from my bed.

‘well lets get this show on the road’ i told her as we both went out of my room.

Dad was downstairs talking to jake and edward on the couch and they stopped the moment they heard bella and i walk down the stairs. I smiled at our dad who had tears in his eyes as he stood up to meet us at the bottom of the stairs. I looked at ed’s smiling face as he gave me a thumbs up saying he approved of my dress, i smiled at him before focusing my eyes on jacob. He looked perfect and like always he took my breath away. He smiled at me and i swear i could feel my knees turn into marshmallows with that smile.

‘well...looks like someone is moving out soon...’dad said as he looked at me and jacob.

I giggled and gave him a hug and soon bella was hugging him too. ‘not really...i love you daddy’

‘and i love you both’ bella said.

Dad grinned and patted our backs ‘alright, alright...now off you go with your dates. I’ll follow soon ok? And both of you...’ he said as he turned to look at a grinning jacob and a smiling edward ‘right...drive safe’

‘dont be late dad...’ bella said as she took edward’s hand ‘i’ll see you at school, winter, jake’

Edward leaned and and gave me a kiss on the cheek ‘our winter is the class valedictorian...you sure make us proud.’

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