4-You Imprinted on Who?

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*jacob’s pov*

‘you imprinted on her?? How could you jacob?!’ she whispered her voice full of angush and yet her question hit me...she thought i imprinted on bella? How did that happen? I pulled her even closer and it was a miracle she didnt make a move to push me away. It was as if she was tired of fighting, tired of pushing me away and i was the only one who can give her strength. I looked at our friends surrounding us, they were quite busy in their own world, the elders were still talking but i needed to fix things with my precious bundle here.

‘hey jared...cover for me will you?’ i whispered to jared who was whispering to his imprint Kim.

Jared looked at me then at winter and gave me a thumbs up ‘dont be stupid this time jake or i can see leah and the rest of the girls demanding for your head in the near future...and that could only mean one thing...’

‘what could that mean babe?’ kim asked as she smiled at me.

‘it could mean that our alpha would die a virgin in the hands of 3 amazons...maybe 4 or 5’ he said dramatically.

I groaned when i heard kim giggle ‘gee thanks jared...you’re such a sweet friend’

I could feel winter shaking in my arms and i knew she was crying. I brought her to the pack’s quarters for it was the only place nearby wherein we could talk without an audience. I sat with her on the couch or rather she was on my lap and we were facing the glass doors that led to the backyard and we had a clear view of the river.

‘yes...i imprinted-‘ but before i could finish she gave me a slap and pushed me away but i held to her tightly and she was now sobbing in pure pain and it was as if i couldnt do anything to stop her.

‘how could you hurt me time and time again jake?! How could you?? I’ve done nothing but love you...all these fucking years, even when i left i still have feelings for you!’ she shouted ‘but you choose to break my heart...every fucking time jake...every damn time!’

‘baby...its not what you think...let me explain’

‘its not what i think?? Then tell me what is it...’she whispered ‘i should’ve loved someone else...i hate it when you make me feel like this’

When i heard her mention about her loving someone else i felt my body shake...shake with rage and jealousy. I have never felt  more protective about someone my whole life, it was as if the thought of every man touching her, every man looking at her brought me so much pain. Never have i felt more vulnerable yet i felt as if i had the strength of a thousand men. I closed my eyes as i held on to her and tried to control the fire burning inside me.

‘jake? Calm down...shh im here’ she whispered as she rubbed my back ‘i know you wouldnt hurt me for i trust you but its still scary if you just be a wolf here and uhh think of the furniture jakey’ she added.

I chuckled and touched her face ‘you have that much control of me...dont forget that. You matter more to me than anyone in my life...not even my family, my brothers and no not even bella can come close to how much you mean to me...’

She looked at me clearly confused at what i just said but she remained silent and just looked at me rubbing my back all the while...it was now time to tell her the truth...

‘i imprinted on you Winter Rose Swan’ i whispered ‘you are my imprint, my soulmate...my one true love’

*winter’s pov*

‘you imprinted on me? im you’re imprint?’ i asked him afraid that i was in one of my many dreams about him...and no i wasnt even talking about the rated ones. It was as if im living one of my beautiful dreams of him telling me that he loves me.

He had me on his lap and he was rubbing his cheek on my arm looking very much at peace with himself and with the world. I looked at his face...the face of the guy i’ve loved all these years and now after hearing him say that i am his imprint. I just cant believe after all those years of waiting for him that this time would come. Of course i havent heard about imprinting before but remembering sam and emily’s faces everytime they look at each other and i knew the feeling was priceless. I looked back at jacob and he had his eyes on me and what i saw there took my breath away...i was seeing my own reflection.

‘you’re my imprint...mine for eternity and more.’ He whispered as he wrapped his arms around me and i knew we were going to kiss.

Our lips met and i swear i felt the earth move under my feet...his kisses went from gentle to rough, sweet to enticing. I have never felt such intensity, passion and gentleness all in one earth shattering kiss, they werent the same as how they were described and written in books they were more passionate, sweet and more life changing.

We were breathless after that kiss but i’ve never felt more alive and more loved than i was in that very minute. Our foreheads touched as he rubbed his nose against mine.

‘can we like do that again?’ he asked as he showered my face with tiny kisses ‘that was wow you know’

I giggled and placed one finger on his lips ‘not until you tell me where we’re headed after that kiss...’

He was searching his sweater pockets for something and it was then i saw him take out a necklace with a silver wolf for a pendant...i gasped at how beautiful it was and how the wolf reminded me so much of him.

‘its not a ring i know but i’m saving that for the engagement and all...’ he said as he took out the silver chain around his neck and i smiled as i saw the pendant, it was the same wolf only smaller in size and funny how it looked more female ‘i had it custom made by the tribe elder...these wolves are mates, you have the male half and i have the female half. A promise that i will never leave your side...ever’

‘jacob...he’s beautiful’ i said as he gently clasped the lock of the necklace at the back of my neck ‘please dont wake me up if this is all a dream...i’ve waited for you for so long...’

‘i love you winter...’

‘and i love you jacob..’

He smiled and our lips met for another kiss...this time i was sure that he really loves me and nothing would ever come between us. when the kiss ended i was content to be in his arms and listen to the flowing river in front of us...everything was so perfect with the moonlight and stars and this loving man who was holding me in his arms as if he was protecting the crown jewels. This night sure ended up quite nicely and as he looked at me like he was holding the world in his hands i knew this love is bound to last forever.

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