19-Sister Bonding

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sorry for the long wait guys...well i have over 300 reads now...please please please continue reading and i am doing my best to make every chapter worth your time.

dont forget to vote and comment :) they're really appreciated. will be updating again sometime this weekend ladies!


*Winter’s Pov*

I found myself walking out of the cullens house and found bella sitting on their front steps. It was like reliving one of my first memories of finding her friendship with the vampires and that simple discovery turned into a wonderful and never ending friendship between the cullens, the pack and me. i inhaled the fresh air and stretched my arms. It was like the first time i’ve met edward...the day they moved back to Forks after leaving because of bella’s safety. Those months were hard...as i fought the urge to kill edward for his stupid decision, trying to be there for my sister who looked dead to the world and trying but failing miserably to not fall for jacob. I smiled as i looked back from where we all started up to our present. Bella and edward are now married, jacob imprinted on me, the pack and the cullens are at peace with each other...everyone’s happy. Then the volturri came and ruined everything...it was hard trying to be at peace and contented with your present when the italian coven is being a pain in the ass.

I shook my head and sat down beside my sister, she was sobbing as she was throwing twigs and pebbles on one of the rose bushes in front of her.

‘bella...look at me’

She sighed and hugged me ‘im sorry for shouting...you do understand dont you? You understand how i feel? You’re my sister and i wouldnt want anything to happen to you...i’d die first than let them touch you.’

‘if you die then there wouldnt be anything left for me...yes i have jacob, dad, mom, the pack, the cullens but it would never be the same without you. You’re my sister you dork...and i promise to be safe. Thats why im learning everything i can, spells and all...to prepare myself.’

She nodded and sighed ‘why did it have to be this way? I mean we’re happy..why does aro and his bunch of idiots have to ruin everything...’

I giggled and smiled at her ‘aro is such a spoil sport you know that, he doesnt want anyone to be happy if he’s not happy too i mean with his face its hard to be happy...’

‘you’re such a dork winter’ bella said in between giggles ‘but i sure missed you...how are you and jacob? Did he propose yet?’

Shaking my head i looked at my sneakers ‘no...well at least not yet, we’re waiting i guess. I mean you and edward just got married silly, dad will simply go crazy if i get married right away. Jake and i are still very much happy...so tell me about the honeymoon?’ i asked her.

Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks were pink, she was was happy and i’m glad for after every heart ache and every tear she cried for edward they both deserve to be happy. I gave her a hug and just held her...bella always brings me peace whenever im confused or sad...i guess thats just the bond between sisters and its even stronger because we’re twins. Can a girl ask for any more than that?

‘its been so long since we went out...why dont we have coffee or i dont know...’ bella suggested as she eyed my car. ‘uhh jake didnt bring you here?’

I sighed and shook my head ‘no...he’s busy in the reservation, with patrol and training the new shifters. We try to spend time with each other though, he visits every night or at least tries to. I visit regularly at la push, watch him train from afar and discuss my herbs with emily and sam.’

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