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Waking up the next day to the sweet sound of rain falling on the rooftops wasnt so bad, i was actually enjoying the rain and the fact that it was weekend and that could only mean one thing...i get to spend more time with Jacob and hang out with him and the rest of the pack at La Push. I touched the wolf pendant that was hanging safely between my breasts and i hat to stop myself from squealing...i was just so happy and giddy i could burst from it. 

Has it been a month since that fateful night he admitted that i am his imprint? And its been a month of pure bliss...not that we werent arguing at all but they were petty arguments and most of them nonsense, but i love that man and i’ve waited long enough for him to lose him to some petty fights. I sat up on my bed and looked out the window...somewhere at the other side of the woods was my sleeping love and right now as much as i want to disturb him...that will just have to wait for later. He slept late last night for he just got back to La Push from Seattle to close a business deal. He was a sharp and amazing businessman, much like his father yet he was also sweet and wonderful...he was perfect in every way. 

‘i would know that look anywhere...’ 

I looked up and saw bella smiling at me from the open doorway i grinned at her and patted the spot on my bed. Its been quite a while since we’ve had long talks and bonded with each other. She was busy with edward and their upcoming wedding, like we were also busy with graduating from high school. My sister practically glowed with happiness and she was worrying her head over every little thing, paying more extra attention to our dad, calling our mom every single day knowing that in a few months she wouldnt be with us anymore and that brought tears to my eyes...

 ‘i will miss you dearly bella...’ i whispered as i hugged her ‘but i know this is your happiness, your happiness means everything to me.’ 

She smiled as she wiped the tears on her cheeks ‘you silly goose...im only getting married and yes i will be one of them sometime soon but that doesnt change anything...i will always be your twin, your best friend...but you have someone with you now. You guys are meant to be together...’

 ‘you arent mad that uhh he imprinted on me?’ i asked for i can still remember the times they shared together before i even got in the picture. 

‘no...i have edward and i am happy with him. You in turn are both comfortable with the pack and being with the cullens. Its amazing how you can hear them and talk to them and edward by just using your mind.’

 I shrugged and stepped out of the bed ‘i actually dont know how i do that but sometimes it frustrates the hell out of me, like i cant keep anything from them.’ 

‘well you might have something in you that we dont know about yet love...well do you have any plans today?’ she gestured at my phone ‘he’s still asleep isnt he?’

 Giggling i nodded ‘hmm why dont we spend the day together and you could meet up with Edward somewhere in town or in Seattle or wherever...i could just call jake for that.’ 

She jumped out from my bed and gave me a hug ‘you are so perfect! Alright i’ll just take a shower and wait for you downstairs...daddy left for work early’

 ‘he always leaves early...’i said in between laughs ‘we could eat somewhere...go on and call edward’ 

I was done wtih my morning routine as fast as 25min and i could still hear bella talking on the phone with edward so i decided to take my time in dressing up. I was barely snapping my jeans when my phone rang and i quickly got it from my study table and smiled when i saw jacob on my screen...i am seriously demented for i probably have that goofy look bella have whenever she would talk to her edward. 

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