24- Meet Deirdre and Renesmee

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a/n: about the pregnancy thing...i did a little bit of a research about it but since this is purely fiction lets just accept that it happened just like that ok? thank you for reading guys! please vote! comment! and spread the word! lol and check it out my new story too ok?

'For a Luna you're one of the easiest pregnant girls I've ever seen...'

I grinned at Leah as she and Kim assisted me with my overnight bags and helped me place them inside the waiting car where Jacob was sitting and munching on some sandwiches I made. To the rest of the pack and our family and friends we were the perfect would be parents, he was always assisting me in every little thing that I was doing, always the doting husband...but I know better. A part of him is still in love with Bella and no amount of attention nor gifts can ever take the pain I was feeling. The only reason why I haven't left him was because of our daughter. I didnt want Deirdre to grow up in a broken home...yes I love him with all of me but I can't just ignore the fact that he will always love my sister and would always choose her no matter what.

Today was my final week of pregnancy and knowing that it was also Bella's we all decided to stay with the Cullens so I can watch over my sister and assist her in anyway I can. During the course of our pregnancy together I have spent most of my time caring for her and keeping progress of the baby inside her, even Deirdre was looking out for her, it was as if both our babies have bonded together. The pack was informed of the situation with Bella and they have been on constant guard against the volturri or any nomads who are out to get the Cullens but surprisingly even the volturri was quiet and in the past couple of months it was as if they disappeared in the face of the earth but knowing Aro he was always a troublemaker but right now I didnt have time to think of his ugly face I have to make sure my sister delivers her baby safely and that she is well, I can worry about myself later.

'Are you ready babe?' Jake asked as he assisted me down the front steps, he had just taken a shower after patrolling with some pack members last night. 'Are you ok?'

I merely nodded and allowed myself the small pleasure I get from touching his cheek.

'Lets get going...I've locked the house. Are you sure you have all you need in the bag?' I asked

'Yes I do...Leah have Seth and Paul set up patrols near the Cullens. I'll be in touch.'

Leah nodded and gave me a hug 'be careful...and we're all hoping for the best. Come back safe Luna.'

'We'll be praying for the two of you...Bella is strong she'll survive this' Kim said as she gave me a hug. 'We'll wait for any news alpha'

Both jake and I nodded, I can't bring myself to speak for slowly it was beginning to sink in...come today or tomorrow Bella would no longer be human. We have agreed to it, the only way to save her and her baby was to turn her. I knew she wanted to be a vampire because of her great love for Edward but not like this...not like this when she was weak but what choice do we have...it was either that or let her die.

This emotional battle was going to be the end of me sooner or later, having to think of a future wherein my twin would be forever a vampire and I will remain human and with an uncertain marriage life...what the hell did I do to deserve this? Yet as I looked down on my very round belly I knew I have to live, not just for me but for Deirdre. Despite Bella's pregnancy I was still the very ecstatic first time mother who couldn't wait to hold my baby in my arms and to see my feet again...ah, the little joys of expecting your first born.

I was about to lean on my seat to get some much needed shut eye while jake was driving to the Cullens I saw him reach out his hand and touch my belly and the minute his hand touched it I felt Deirdre kick and I let out a gasp as I held his hand...I guess I'm not the only one missing his touch.

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