1-my life story

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I told myself over and over again to not puke at the sight of this lovey dovey couple in front of me as they had their eyes at each other, forgetting about the rest of the world and that the only thing that matters is their undying love for each other. My lovely twin sister and her cold blooded and kind hearted fiance who looked ready to give the world to her (he could...and thats a bit scary and overboard) or catch a bullet for her (he did more than that...superhuman strength plus superhuman speed). I watched them whisper love words and promises to each other and found myself and despite my misgivings i couldnt see a more in love couple than my sister and her soulmate. They were just perfect for each other...star crossed lovers who again and again defied the rules of love, the bounderies of the known and the unknown yet who would’ve guessed that in this age and time and the kind of technology we have I would still be involved in things like vampires, werewolves and who knows what else would come along.

I remember living in florida with our mom Renee and her boyfriend Phil, Florida was perfect...too perfect and somehow everything already became a routine there for me. I was the straight A student, a member of the student council, a chearleader...life there was perfect but with mom and Phil having a baby I felt it was time for me to go and I turned to my father and my twin, not that I dont spend much time with them but it was at that moment I made the decision to not look back...it was time for me to move forward and start living my life. Not that I had much of a life here in the sleepy town of Forks and going to La Push, still I was surrounded by people i’ve known all my life. Seeing the people i grew up with and finding new things about them everyday was worth leaving sunny Florida and choosing to stay in this sleepy town.

My life would’ve been part of a fairy tale or should I say a world within a world. I was never much of the person who believed in vampires or werewolves or things that go bump in the night but moving here proved me wrong, with my sister in deep with everything I refused to believe in...the only thing left to do was deal with it.

Yes, everyone knows how devoted I am to my sister and how I support her upcoming marriage to her prince charming and thanks to them i now believed in love and happy endings but right now i only wish that i can truly be happy for them...but my heart was longing and aching for that one true love, the one man i could never have for he loves my sister and he is my best friend.

‘ugh tell me we dont have to deal with another set of my vampire family’s crusade against the oh so weirdness of the Volturri...’ I said as I grinned at a chuckling Edward and the embarrassed face of my sister ‘relax bells i’m used to all these undying love around me...but really i thought you guys had something to do this weekend?’

Bella smiled her usual Bella smile and patted the empty seat beside her ‘sit with us Winter, we’re not leaving yet...’

‘uhh no I’ll stand...the couch might have cooties and all’ I added with a giggle as I eyed Edward and his perfect face ‘and stay out of my thoughts Eddie...’

He laughed and shook his head ‘i cant help it Winter...you’re a funny one. We came here to give you the news...’

News? I looked at their faces and i couldnt help but let out a squeal as i walked closer to them..though my eyes were more focused on Edward and he let out another laugh it was then i knew he read my mind.

‘no its not what you think...we’ll wait after the wedding though your sister here has tried to seduce me...’ he added with a wink at a blushing Bella.

‘i did not! You big meanie!’

I laughed and shook my head at my sister ‘and here i am thinking that you’ll die a virgin...but anyways what news are you talking about?’

‘he’s back Winter...Jake’s back’ Bella told me excitedly as she smiled at me ‘isnt that nice? Im sure you and him have lots of things to talk about...’

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