2| Faults

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Chapter 2: Faults (Callum's POV)

We were all sitting in the auditorium earlier than usual this morning. The principal called for an assembly to talk to us about the new student. Not just us, the rare ones. everyone. 

She walked to the stage, standing under the lights. "Good morning everyone!" she announced, waking everyone up with her extra cheery voice. "I'm here to talk about the new student that will be joining us later today, I'm sure everyone knows of her by now?" 

I felt a nudge to my elbow and I looked over at Wyatt. "Turn it off," he nodded. 

I gave him a blank look. "I'm the only one that can do that. You don't think she'll know it was me?" 

"So? Who cares? No one messes with you anyway," he chuckled. 

I looked to the stage then at the lights on top of her. I focused on the light and then lifted one finger up, keeping the rest of my fingers on the armrest. I drew a circle with that finger and the lights dimmed out into darkness, ignoring that jolt that shot through my finger and ran up my arm. 

"Can we have the lights back please, Callum?" 

I huffed, circling my finger the other way and brightening them back up. 

"Thank you." 

I rolled my eyes, glaring at Wyatt. 

"Now, our new student, she's not a rare one. Nor does she know of the rare. So until she's settled in, I want nobody to mention it, understand? She shouldn't know that there are students here that aren't human, am I clear?" She continued, "Now, that doesn't mean I want you all staying away from her. She shouldn't feel unwelcomed. We don't get many new students, I don't want her to be scared off as some have been in the past. So, everyone just be a little careful. No slip-ups, please. You're all dismissed." 

I shook the stinging out of my arm. That's what I get. I'm the only one that can control electricity in this whole damn school. And that too at the cost of electric shocks. 

"I hate the way she treats us, don't you? It makes it look like there is something wrong with us. Like we have some faults," Wyatt scoffed, pulling his headphones out of his bag and resting them around his neck. 

"There is something wrong with us. We do have faults. Humans aren't meant to have superpowers," I scoffed. 

"We're just... evolved." 

I looked at him weirdly. 

"I'm going to art class, bye," he huffed. 

I rolled my eyes, plugging in my earphones while walking to the first period, French. 

Not only is there something wrong with us as people, but the problem is so big that we're sent here. To this academy because even our parents can't handle us. And who would know better than me? The prince of Ilea who was thrown out of his own palace because he isn't a human. 

I slumped in my seat, dropping my bag on the floor. The class went by the way it always does. Boring and torturous. We had around fifteen minutes left when I got goosebumps along my skin. Kind of like my own spidey-sense. I think it's cool. 

She's here. 

I looked through the glass window on the door and spotted the new face. She's walking with Atticus. I turned my attention back to the teacher who just happened to call my name. 

"A quelle heure est-elle arrivée?" 

I looked down at the textbook and the passage we were reading. "Two," I answered. 

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