29| Time

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Chapter 29: Time (Clara's POV)

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I rubbed my eyes, kicking the blanket off. "Callum?" I called out. 

Then I heard the bathroom door open. "I'm taking a shower, what's up?" he asked. "When did you wake up?" 

"Right now," I sighed, rolling onto my side and hugging the pillow he slept on. 

"Okay, I'll be out in ten minutes." Then he closed the door. 

I took a deep breath, forcing my eyes open and cherishing the scent of the pillow. The scent of him, actually. He smells like... citrus and... is that lavender? Both, actually. Yeah. Citrus mostly and a tinge of lavender, floral, actually. He smells like citrus and flowers. 

My eyes went to the rose that was sitting on his window. I crawled out of bed, walking over and picking it up. I frowned, "Hmm?" It has a piece of the stem missing just like the last one I saw. I stood there, dallying and staring out of the window, watching some people running around campus. 

My body sensed it before I thought about it. He's standing right behind me. "What are you doing?" he asked. 

"Watching people," I answered. "In a non-creepy way," I added. 

He chuckled, putting his hands on the desk from behind me. "And who exactly are you watching?" he asked, resting his chin on my shoulder. 

I looked at him from the corner of my eye, and just to get on his nerves... "Atticus." 

His grip faltered and his hand fell off the table. 

I laughed, still not turning to face him. 

"Why are you watching Atticus?" 

"He isn't even there," I scoffed. "I was just watching the crowd." I turned around and found myself wishing I hadn't when I realized he was standing there with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. 

"I don't understand how people here like Atticus," he scoffed, opening his closet and grabbing a black t-shirt with jeans. "He's even more of a dick than I am." 

"You think you're a dick?" I laughed. 

He isn't. At least with me. 

He glanced at me while grabbing a pair of socks. "I know I am," he smirked. 

"Wow, look at that. Now that you're all recovered you're back to being a... a devil," I scoffed, folding my arms across my chest. 

He tossed his clothes on the bed and walked back over to me, trapping me between him and the table by putting his hands on it again. "A devil I am," he grinned. 

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to my room." I turned to leave but he grabbed my hand and put me back in the same spot. I looked at him expectantly. 

He leaned in closer, reaching behind me and grabbing my keys before taking my hand and placing them in my palm. "Don't ever try that Atticus joke with me again. I hate it," he whispered into my ear. He pulled back to look at me and then shook his head, throwing off water droplets everywhere. 

I closed my eyes and looked away, clenching my jaw. "You are so annoying!" I yelled through gritted teeth, pushing him away, only for him to step closer again. 

What is with him today? It's like he recovered and he was reborn, why is he acting like that? 

He leaned in. And then kept leaning in. And for a split second, I thought he was going to kiss me. But then again, why the hell would he do that? He turned at the last second and pressed a kiss to my cheek. 

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