7| Security

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Chapter 7: Security (Clara's POV)

I sat there, extremely confused with Daisy sitting in front of me. Wyatt was dismissed and the principal was talking to Callum in the hallway. 

"Are you okay, Clara?" 

I nodded at Daisy. "I just don't understand. How can I not remember the dream? Any of it? I always remember my dreams," I frowned in confusion. 

Because they're always too scary to forget. 

"Maybe it's best that you forgot it. You won't be overthinking about it now," she shrugged, rubbing her eyes from sleepiness. 

"Daisy, you can go back to your room. You don't have to babysit me," I chuckled. 

"Are you sure?" 

I nodded reassuringly. 

"Okay, night," she said while going to the door. 

"Night," I smiled at her. 

She knocked on the door twice before coming out. Their voices stopped as she opened the door and then when she closed it behind her, they resumed. They're too faint for me to hear. 

I leaned my head back against the headboard and closed my eyes, drawing in a deep breath, slowly letting it out. The door opened minutes later and I sat up, opening my eyes. 

"Clara," principal Michelle sighed. "I'm a little worried about you." 

"I... wish I could reassure you but I really have no idea what happened," I admitted. If it was anything like my regular nightmares that I get every once in a while, then no doubt, she has a reason to worry. 

"I feel that someone should stay here with you tonight to make sure you're okay. Maybe the stress of moving and joining a new school is overbearing." 

"Daisy already left though. It's okay, really. I can manage," I smiled. 

"I wasn't talking about Daisy. I meant Callum." 

I blinked in utter shock, looking back and forth between the two. 

"He's not staying here with you every night, don't worry," she chuckled and I relaxed in my seat. "But I'm giving him the spare key to your room." 

"Oh," I said, dumbfounded. 

"His room is close to yours, so if anything happens, he can get to you before me. And he won't have to pick a lock this time." She turned to glance at him. "Give her your number," she nodded. 

I hesitantly handed him my phone and he typed it in. I saved it under his name and dropped him a text so he had my number too. 

"And I think you should stay back from your classes tomorrow." 

"Principal Michelle, it's really not that big of a deal." 

"We've only ever had one student who woke up screaming like that," she said. "And that was... a pretty big deal," she mumbled. 

What the hell is that supposed to mean? 

"But if you still wish to attend classes tomorrow, you can. Just make sure you're with Callum." 

"Isn't Daisy enough?" he sighed, finally saying something. 

"Daisy can't do what you can," she replied, shooting him a pointed look. 

What the hell is that supposed to mean? It's like they keep talking in code. 

"You were able to calm her tonight, surely you can do it whenever needed. I'll head out then. Make sure she's okay," she said to him before seeing herself out. 

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