4| Wander

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Chapter 4: Wander (Callum's POV)

I walked into the cafeteria for dinner with the rest of the boarding students. I was plugging my earphones in when someone crashed into me from behind. Hard. It seemed a little intentional. I turned around, seeing eye to eye with him. 

The one and only, Atticus Sylvaine. "Sorry," he said, clearly not meaning it. 

"Are you ever going to stop causing unnecessary problems?" I lifted a brow at him. 

"Are you ever going to apologize?" He stepped forward daringly. 

"So hot-headed," I chuckled. "Always ready to fight, aren't you?" 

His jaw ticked. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I blocking your way? Here, by all means. Go ahead." I moved aside, leaning against the open door. 

His friends pushed him forward, convincing him not to pick a fight. He continued walking, shooting me a glare. 

I sent him a wave, smiling at him fakely. "Son of a bitch," I mumbled to myself, pushing myself off the door. Everyone was still settling down. I know Wyatt is cooped up in his room finishing the painting he was working on. So, I'll just take my dinner with me. 

I grabbed a tray, grabbed the food that was for dinner, and then turned to leave. I heard my name at Atticus's table. I glanced at him from the door, my glare hardening when he looked my way. I turned my head to the front but it was a little too late. I crashed right into her. Again. 

"This is the third time, are you kidding?" she huffed, running a hand through her hair. 

Daisy elbowed her ribs gently. 

"Actually, the first two times, you bumped into me," I stated. It's true. She's the one who wasn't looking. 

"So? Right now, you're the one who—"

Someone's arm nudged mine on their way out and my coke can fell off the tray. She caught it quickly and put it back on the tray. "What was I saying?" she asked Daisy. 

"Whoa, your reflexes are like... wow," Daisy chuckled. 

"What?" she asked, utterly confused. "What was I... yeah." She turned to me. 

I raised my eyebrows, amused by her acts. She has no idea that her reflexes are faster than other people's. 

Is she... No, the principal said she's a human. 

"Right now, you bumped into me," she scoffed. 

Daisy started pulling her inside. 

"And you're welcome. I saved your can of coke," she said, pointing to it before turning the other way and joining Daisy in line. 

I left the cafeteria and headed to my room. 

She's different. 

"She's fucking weird," I said to myself before teleporting to my room. I sat at my desk and ate while writing my English Lit paper that's due tomorrow. After that, I got ready for bed and then lay down. 

It's not like I ever get sleep anyway, most nights I just lie awake in bed. Well, actually on most nights after midnight I end up going to the highest balcony. It's through a hidden staircase that's deep into the library. I'll probably end doing that tonight too. 

I woke up the next morning to my alarm. Four hours of sleep. What a miracle. I got ready like I normally do and then headed down for breakfast. I stopped at the single rose that was sitting on my desk. 

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