8| Distracted

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Chapter 8: Distracted (Callum's POV)

I was sitting in History, secretly using my phone. It was 9:15, she should be up by now. I opened my phone to the text she sent me last night. 


That was it. Just so I had her number. I started typing and then quickly sent out the text. 

Are you up? 

A minute later, my phone buzzed. 

Yeah, I'm up. Thanks for last night, by the way. 

I glanced at Mr. Billy, making sure he was busy discussing the powers we wrote essays on. 

You already thanked me last night. 

She replied within a minute. 

So? I'm thanking you again. Are you in class? 

Yeah. But I have a free period after this. Do you need anything? 


"Hmm?" I looked up from my phone. 

"Your essay?" 

"Oh, here." I took it out of my bag and handed it to him. 

"Thank you." And then he continued collecting everyone else's. "Does anyone know where Clara is?" 

"She's sick," I blurted out. 

Everyone looked at me. Surprised, confused, shocked. 

"All right, no problem. Let's continue." 

Her text came through. 

No, I'm good. Thanks. 

I quickly typed out a reply. 

Stop thanking me. 

"Since we're talking about the power of fire and Callum wrote about it, why don't you tell us? Brief us on it." 

"I can show you, if you'd like," I shrugged. 

He sighed. 

"Clara isn't here," I stated. 

"Very well, here. A candle." He came and put it down in front of me. "Talk about it first." 

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Like all the other powers, it's driven by emotion and intent. Without emotion, it won't work. And if you can't control the emotion, you don't have control over the power." 

"And how does one gain control?" 

"By using their emotions and channeling them the right way," I replied. 

"And can you show us by lighting the candle?" 

I looked down at the candle, staring at the wick. My phone buzzed in my hand and my heart rate spiked up. And that lit up the candle. I blinked, surprised at myself. 

Why would her text make me channel the fire? 

"Perfect." He took the candle, showing it to the class, and then blowing it out. 

I glanced at my phone. 

No, thanks. 

I bit back a smile and put my phone in my pocket. 

"Electricity. Callum, before we talk about it, do you want to tell us anything from the experience?" 

"Um..." I glanced at the class. "It's my least favorite one. Because it hurts the most. Every time I use it, I get shocked. When I'm manipulating the electricity, it goes through me. And that current, also goes through me. It's pretty painful, depending on what it is that I'm manipulating. The bigger and stronger the light, the more painful it is." 

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