44| Unknown

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Chapter 44: Unknown (Callum's POV)

I followed Nora outside, closing the door behind me. "You saw that, didn't you?" 

I nodded. "She bled from the prick." 

She shot me a pointed look. "And then she healed." 

I sighed, leaning against the wall. "She isn't just a human, is she?" 

"No," she answered, sounding very sure. "But she's not quite a rare one either." 

I frowned in confusion. "Then what is she?" 

"I don't know." 

"How could you not know?" I pushed myself off the wall. "She clearly doesn't know it either. If we can't help her and we're from Arcane, from Ilea, then nobody else can. How could you not know? You're the nurse, you've seen the worst happen to people here," I groaned. 

"Calm down," she said sternly. "If we don't know it yet, I'm sure we can figure it out. We have to start somewhere, let's start by testing her with all the powers." 

"We can't do that without her realizing that we're questioning what she really is." 

"Then so be it." 

"No," I argued. 

"Her reaction won't be good. I don't think she can handle it." 

"Are you doubting her?" 

I rolled my eyes. "She doesn't have an easy past, Nora. It's a lot for her to take." 

She sighed in defeat and looked around the hallway before falling into thought. Then it was like a lightbulb went off in her head. "Look into the curse." 

"What does that have to do with this? Plus, the library doesn't have any books mentioning the curse, I've already checked," I replied. 

"Then ask someone. The curse affects the soulmate of a darkling more than the darkling itself. Look into it, Callum." 

"You think she's my soulmate?" I asked in disbelief. 

"I think anything could happen," she said. "Look into it. It's not possible for a human to heal and it's not possible for a rare one to not know that they are one. She's human. But something is changing that. Look into it as soon as you can and come back to tell me what you know." 

"You know the curse, why don't you just tell me?" 

"Because you won't believe me. I know you quite a bit and I know that you need to see it or hear it to believe it. So ask your father." 

I planned to anyway, now I have an excuse to do it sooner, I guess. 


"Tomorrow?" My eyes widened. 

"Do it tomorrow, first thing. Leave her in the health room with me. She needs to be watched, to be kept an eye on." 

"Why?" I swallowed. 

"The pain could get worse," she confirmed. 

I groaned, closing my eyes. 

"It has to before it settles. If I remember the curse correctly and if what I've heard is true, then she'll be in excruciating pain. Because after this, she'll never feel it again." 

"What do you mean? Are you saying she'll develop the power to heal like a darkling?" 

"I'm saying you need to look into that curse. Come on now, we shouldn't keep her waiting. Let's go." 

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