39| Drowned

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Chapter 39: Drowned (Clara's POV)

I've come to learn that Monday mornings at Arcane are extremely laid back since most of us have just got back from our homes. Everyone was mostly still in their pajamas and having breakfast in the cafeteria, including me. 

"I feel like skipping today, does anyone want to join me?" I sighed, sipping on strawberry milk. 

"Art," Wyatt and Daisy said in sync. It's such a demanding subject, I don't know how they do it. 

"What period do you have art?" I asked. 

"Last period," Wyatt answered. 

I turned to Callum. "Do you want to go get our bowl-thing? It's probably dried by now." 

"Sure," he shrugged. 

"You guys can stay back to paint them too," Daisy informed us. 

I turned to Callum, raising my brows. He nodded, his head bobbing up and down. I chuckled, looking back at my tray. I haven't told Daisy yet, he hasn't told Wyatt. 

Wyatt nudged Daisy's arm. "We gotta go, we haven't got the supplies for the pottery." 

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that," Daisy said, grabbing her bag, both of them standing up and then waving us bye. 

"Can we go to your room?" he asked. He's in a completely different mood today. He's in a softer, all lovey-dovey kind of mood. 

I nodded, my eyes traveling across his face. 

"Look who it is!" We both looked up and saw Finn and Atticus sitting down while the rest of their friends grabbed chairs from free tables and invited themselves to sit with us. 

I sighed, rolling my eyes and looking away from them. "Let's just go," I mumbled to Callum. 

"What's the rush?" Finn smirked. It's always him, I swear to god. What is his deal? 

Callum leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear, stirring things inside me I didn't know could stir like that. "I wanted to take you upstairs and kiss you," he whispered. 

I pulled back to look at him. "You can," I nodded softly. 

"Do you think Clara likes anyone?" I turned to them when Nate asked his friends that. They're talking about me like I'm not even here. 

"I don't know. Do you think anyone likes her?" Finn scoffed. 

I pushed my tray away, tipping the strawberry milk over making him immediately screech back. 

I smiled, "Oops. I forgot it's empty."

 He glared at me, leaning forward and resting his arms on the table. "I don't think so. Do you?" He looked at his friends. 


"Probably not." 

"Not a chance." 

I rolled my eyes, leaning back in my chair and folding my arms across my chest. "Humor me," I scoffed. 

"Who would like her?" Nate asked. 

They looked around the room. "I don't think anyone would," Finn said, staring at me. 

"Why don't you ask?" Callum shrugged. 

"Ay!" Finn stood up, catching everyone's attention. "Are there any guys out here interested in New Girl Clara?" 

I glared at him before turning to look at the room. I was surprised at how many guys put their hands up. I blinked in shock, glancing at Callum who was smiling to himself. 

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