37| Beginnings

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Chapter 37: Beginnings (Clara's POV)

It was now the next morning. I was sitting at the kitchen island while my dad cooked breakfast. "So, what time did you get home last night?" 

"I think around two," I answered honestly, sliding the salt shaker from one hand to the other, back and forth. 

"Did you have fun?" he asked. 

"Yeah, he took me to see the bridge. The water was really pretty, the stars were really pretty," I said, smiling to myself. 

"Are you dating him?" 

"No, Dad," I laughed. "I like him though. A lot." 

"How well do you know him?" 

"Well enough. We're still getting to know each other. Why?" 

He glanced at me. "You should just know who you're getting involved with before you do." 

I nodded in understanding even though he couldn't see me. "Dad, you know him, don't you?" 

"Of course, I know him," he chuckled. 

"No, I mean... you know him. From before. He knows you, you definitely know him too, don't you?" 

He nodded, "Hmm. I was somewhat friends with his father when I still lived here. I watched him grow up every time I would come visit my parents. He was a good kid whose parents never did enough for him. Still don't. It's a pity. They never helped their son, never even bothered to ask if he was okay." He turned the stove off and grabbed two plates. 

"And... I've been to Ilea before, haven't I?" 

He slid my plate to me with the french toast on it. He sighed, nodding slowly. "He told you?" 

"Yeah. He remembers me." 

My dad blinked, seeming confused. "You both were three-years-old?" 

"He still remembers," I shrugged. 

"He must be in love with you then," he said nonchalantly. He's kidding, I can tell. 

I rolled my eyes, laughing while taking a fork. 

He grabbed the orange juice, pouring us both a glass. "We should cheers," he grinned. 

"To what?" 

"To your new beginnings since you've come to Ilea." 

"New beginnings?" I smiled. 

He nodded in response. I chuckled, both of us clinking our glasses before drinking. I set the glass down, watching him for a second, wondering if I should ask this. "You know what happened to him last year, right?" 

He nodded again. "It was kept hidden from the kingdom but his father told me about it. Can you imagine his own girlfriend trying to do that to him?" He clicked his tongue, shaking his head in disapproval. 

"You think he did the right thing?" I was pleasantly surprised. I thought he would have the 'don't date a murderer' opinion. Even though Callum isn't a murderer. 

"Yeah," he shrugged. "There's only so much you can do at the moment when somebody is trying to kill you, I suppose." 

I pushed the french toast around my plate. "And you know he's a darkling," I stated. "Right?" 

His eyes widened in surprise. "Wow. I didn't think he would tell you so soon. Wasn't the principal meant to do that?" 

"She was taking too long, he didn't want to hide it anymore," I replied. 

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