42| Fancy

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Chapter 42: Fancy (Callum's POV)

Everyone quieted down, listening to the PA system while we ate dinner. Our principal is making the announcement she has to make every year for the annual party. It's a super fancy, super annoying, super pathetic party. It consists of all of us, the student population, and also the ex-graduates, meaning the ones who graduated last year. Or, chose to anyway. 

On top of that, all our parents are invited. It's held in the gymnasium and obviously, if it's big enough to keep all of us and more in during a blackout, it holds up pretty well. Moreover, the cafeteria is organized for the parents where instead of punch, they serve actual alcohol. 

"The party is this Friday. For that reason, you all are given Friday off so you can get ready and buy anything required. Thank you." The PA system beeped and then the chatter in the room resumed. 

"What is this party for?" Clara asked, eating another spoonful of my ice cream. She already had hers. We're all on dessert now anyway. 

"Nothing. Just a chance to dress up," Daisy answered her accurately. 

"Does everyone have to go?" 

"No, it's optional but everyone chooses to go," Wyatt replied. "Everyone in Ilea likes dressing up and going to fancy events." 

"It's really that fancy?" Clara groaned. 

"Like ball gowns fancy," Daisy nodded. 

Clara's shoulders slumped and she ate the last of the ice cream, not even leaving me one bite. 

"Do you want more or something?" I asked, glancing at the empty bowl. 

She glared at me, elbowing me hard. 

"What? You don't like dressing up?" I asked, stacking her tray on top of mine. 

"Not really," she mumbled. "It's been a while since I last did." 

"And when was that?" 

"On my mom's birthday." 

Wyatt, Daisy, and I exchanged a glance. 

"She loved throwing fancy parties for herself, she did it every year," she sighed, letting her hair down. "I haven't been to a fancy party since. Are you going?" She turned to look at me. 

"Only if you are," I replied. 

"God, do this in your rooms, please," Daisy whined, putting her head down on Wyatt's shoulder. 

I noticed his face turning pink. "Yeah," I nodded in agreement. "She's right. Let's go." I stood up, taking Clara's hand. 

"Why all of a sudden?" she mumbled but got up with me nonetheless. I shot Wyatt a pointed look and then we left. "Did we really have to leave just so they could flirt with each other?" 

I nodded, both of us reaching the staircase. 

"Oh!" she groaned. "Thousands of stairs." 

"Why are you whiny and sulky? You've been like this since we came down for dinner," I stated, both of us taking advantage of the empty stairway and corridor. I grabbed her hands, wrapping her arms around my waist before I left them, and put my arms around her. 

"I don't know what's wrong with me," she mumbled into my chest. "I just feel so exhausted and sad. I think I should sleep." 

"Do you want to teleport?" I whispered in her ear. 

She looked up at me a little excited. She nodded eagerly. I chuckled, keeping contact with her and then teleporting us. "Whoa." She swayed on her feet a little. 

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