43| Healer

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Chapter 43: Healer (Clara's POV)

I don't know why my stomach has been hurting since last night. It could literally be anything. Maybe I ate something wrong, maybe I've been overthinking and getting stressed about getting killed by Atticus, maybe I'm about to get my period, maybe the constant feeling of butterflies is making it hurt, I don't fucking know and it is extremely annoying! 

"Do you want me to call the nurse?" 

"No," I mumbled, flipping onto my stomach and hugging a pillow, trying to ignore the pain. 

"It's past lunch, you've been like this since last night. You're barely eating too." 

"Because it hurts to eat," I whined. 

"That's not normal. In fact, it's very concerning. Are you on your period?" 

I glanced at him. "Not yet." 

"Is it coming up?" 

"I don't know," I mumbled. "I have reminders on my phone." 

He grabbed my phone, handing it to me. 

"0620," I answered, not taking the phone. 

"Is that your birthday?" he chuckled knowingly. 


He unlocked it and found the reminders on the calendar app. "You don't have a set cycle." He knows an awful lot about periods. Most guys don't even understand the concept of a cycle. "Sometimes it's twenty-eight days, sometimes it's thirty-five. You'll get it within ten days so it could just be pre-period cramps, that is if you get those. If you don't then it could easily be something you ate. Or your sleeping pattern." 

I stared at him, listening to every word, somewhat in awe. 

"But if it is your period, you can take an Ultracet. It's a painkiller but it's mostly used for period pains. You can't take it on an empty stomach so you should eat a little something beforehand if you want the painkiller and I should ring up the nurse and ask for a heating pad," he sighed in conclusion, putting my phone back. He turned to me, blinking. "What?" 

"How do you know so much about periods and how to deal with them? I've never met a guy who knows so much about them," I stated. 

"I did my research when I was with Kiara," he shrugged. 

I felt a pang of jealousy. Or maybe it was insecurity. But I wasn't too happy knowing that he took care of her the way he takes care of me now. 

"I never got to help her though. She would never tell me if she was on her period." 

I nodded, feeling a little better about his past relationship. 

"I would keep a track of her cycle and in that whole time period, I would just stay away from her actually. She got pretty angry on her period," he said, staring ahead. "It was quite annoying." 

I couldn't help but laugh. "She sounds extremely stupid to me. I know mood swings are inevitable but why would you react like that to someone who only wants to take care of you?" 

"I think she didn't like being taken care of, you know. She was raised like a princess and once she got older, she thought it was time to be a queen. She was obsessed with acting independently. Enough that it formed into arrogance." 

"It sounds like she was taken care of too much and got sick of it." 

He nodded in agreement. "You're the opposite. I think you weren't taken care of enough, I could be wrong," he shrugged. "Your parents both worked, didn't they?" 

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