6| Nightmare

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Chapter 6: Nightmare (Callum's POV)

I was sitting in bed, reading Alice In Wonderland. A comfort book, if you will. My mother used to read it to me when I was a kid. Except, she wouldn't do that at three in the morning. Like I am right now. 

I looked down at my knuckles. They still looked bruised but they felt perfectly fine. That's how my bruises heal. You can see them, but I can't feel them. And any cuts or anything like that, they take a few days but they heal. Unless I stop them from healing. Which I would have to be very stupid to do because why would I want to let them heal like a human's when I can avoid all that time loss and pain? 

I don't know why I jumped in and fought for her today. As much as I hate Atticus, I know he wouldn't have let Finn do anything to hurt her. But I just felt the need to get involved. To do it myself. I felt like I had to take care of her or no one else would. 

She doesn't know that not all of us are human, and I don't want to imagine what someone with powers could do to her if she pisses them off like she did Finn today. 

And Finn doesn't have powers. Finn is human. 

But Atticus isn't. He has the power of telekinesis. And the last time he tried using that on me, it didn't work. 

Obviously, because whatever he thought of doing, I could read his mind and do it first. When everything first happened, I had no idea that I could read minds. That's why I didn't know about what she was planning with Atticus. And I only learned that I could do it when the time came. Because if I didn't do it then, he would have killed me. 

Desmond. Desmond. Desmond. 

I know her. I do. Well, I don't know if you can call it that, but I've met her before. I remember it vividly, she probably doesn't. 

We were around three years old. Her father had brought her and her mother to Ilea to meet her grandparents who were alive and working with my father at the time. Her grandfather was a very important member of the council from what I know. She only met them once here, they would visit them more, I guess. 

She came to the palace. And um... I made a book float around her and she screamed and ran out of the library. 

But in my not-so-strong defense, neither of us could reach the book. And I don't think she remembers it, we were too young anyway. I just remember it because that was when I realized that everyone isn't telekinetic like me, and everyone can't make things fly around a room. 

I jumped, getting startled when a scream echoed through my room. It was faint but not faint enough that I missed it. I put the book down on my nightstand and shot up, rushing to my door, barely pulling my slippers on. 

I grabbed the doorknob and was ready to open it, but I waited to hear the scream again. Maybe it was in my head. 

That's another problem with my power of being able to erase people's dreams. Not only can I erase them, but I can see them when I wish to. And I can most certainly hear them. I just have to be around that person. 

I heard a similar scream, a little shorter this time and I yanked my door open, looking into the hallway. The flower lamps hanging from the ceiling turned red at night, so the entire hallway was lit up red.

 A few more people came out of their rooms. 

"What's going on?" Wyatt asked, rubbing his eyes. 

"I don't know," I mumbled. 

Daisy came out of her room, rubbing her eyes as well. And soon enough, everyone on this floor was out of their rooms, looking for the disturbance. 

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