18| Difference

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Chapter 18: Difference (Callum's POV)

We were all sitting at her table at lunch. Wyatt and Daisy were working on sketches and Clara and I were talking. She's getting obsessed with the whole darkling thing. Maybe I shouldn't have told her anything about it. 

"So, darklings are the only ones that can control electricity?" 

My eyes met Wyatt's who raised his brows at me, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. Then I looked at Daisy who was frozen and staring at her sketch wide-eyed before looking up at me. 

I cleared my throat, "Why don't we talk about this later?" 

Wyatt shot me a pointed look. 

"Why? What's wrong with now? I want to know, please?" She grabbed my arm, shaking it. 

"Clara, maybe I shouldn't have told you," I chuckled. 

"Why not?" she pouted. 

"Because if you know everything before Mr. Billy can teach us anything, then you'll ace the class. I can't let you get better scores than me, come on. I told you enough." 

"But I want to know more," she mumbled. 

I sighed, looking from her to Wyatt. He subtly shook his head at me. I lifted a brow at him and he shook his head even harder. I looked at Daisy. She shook her head too. 

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Clara asked, looking at the two of them. 

"Let's get muffins." I grabbed her hand and pulled her up, taking her to the lunch line. 

"But they don't have chocolate muffins today, those are my favorite," she said, peering over the shoulders of the people in front of us. "I don't want a muffin, let's go back." She turned to leave but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back, causing her to crash into me. 

"Let's just see what they have." 

"Why? Do you want a muffin?" 

"No, but you want the chocolate one." 

"They don't have the chocolate ones today." 

"Yes, they do," I argued, pushing her further in the line. 

While we were standing in line, I glanced over and saw Daisy and Wyatt talking very intensely. So I tried to work on my hearing abilities and eavesdropped. "Do you think she likes him?" she whispered. 

"He likes her too," Wyatt shrugged nonchalantly while sketching. 

"No, I mean do you think she likes him?" 

Wyatt turned to her in confusion. "What's the difference?" 

"There's a huge difference! There's liking someone and then there's liking someone. Y'know?" 

"No, I don't know," he replied. 

She huffed, slumping in her seat. She glanced over and I looked away just in time. 

Yeah, I like her. But what is the difference between like and like? I don't quite get it. 

"Here." I looked down where she held up two chocolate muffins. "They weren't written on the menu, how did you know they were made today?" she asked while I took one muffin and left the other one for her. 

"They always make chocolate muffins," I replied while we slowly walked back to our seats. 

"Well, these were the last ones, actually," she chuckled, peeling the paper. 

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