48| Bones

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Chapter 48: Bones (Callum's POV)

Nate came to get me. He told me that Atticus and Wyatt had a fight. And the fool I am, I fell for it. I shouldn't have let him drag me away. And then he cut himself to distract everyone. He had a dagger on him. He looked guilty. But he didn't act like it. 

I ran back out and into the bathroom but she was gone. "No, no, no," I mumbled, running back out. I started running through campus. "Clara!" I yelled, looking through each room on each floor. 

I've been running around for forty-five fucking minutes. "Clara!" I screamed again, my feet slowing down in the hallway. At the end was the auditorium. I don't even want to think about what he could have done to her in forty-five minutes. So I pushed myself forward, my mind going back to the curse and everything that I read and learned about it. 

That's when I heard it. I heard her scream. 

It's so far from anywhere else on campus, of course, I didn't hear it earlier. I stopped, closing my eyes and leaning against the wall, catching my breath before throwing the coat off. I have to channel it. The power to heal. She really is my soulmate. I have to channel it and give it to her. She needs it. 

After that power drained from me, I felt even more exhausted. 

"How is that possible?!" Atticus yelled. His voice is one I would recognize from anywhere. I ran the rest of the way, stumbling through the auditorium doors. "Stand up!" he barked at her, threatening her with the dagger. 

She tried but she sank to her knees almost immediately.

"She's going to die, where is he?!" he growled. 

"Atticus," Finn said, glancing at me. 

Atticus looked over, sighing in relief. "Finally. A few minutes late and she would already have died. Then this would be useless, wouldn't it?" He hopped off the stage and over to me. "I'm afraid you're late, my friend. She's too far gone to save. Look." 

She's still awake, still conscious. She is in tremendous pain. But she's alive. 

"Do you want a minute with her? To say your goodbyes?" I

 turned to him, feeling more rage than I have ever felt, ever in my life. "I'm going to kill you. I told you I would if you did anything to her." One punch. Then another. And another. And a thousand more rained on his face. He didn't even try fighting back and that only pissed me off more. "You don't get to act like you fucking won!" I punched him in the gut and he stumbled, crouching on the floor to compose himself. "Get back up," I ordered, rolling up my sleeves before reaching into the waistband of my pants and pulling out the gun my father gave me that day. 

I shouldn't have let her come tonight. I should have fought with her and locked her in the room. 

I cocked the gun, holding it out and watching his face pale. "You can't use a gun," he stuttered. 

"You want to test me right now? That doesn't sound very smart." I ripped my tie off with my free hand and threw it on stage. I glanced at Finn. "Pick it up," I ordered. 

He was even more scared than Atticus. He scurried and took it from the floor. 

"Tie it around the wounds. Rip off the fabric of her dress and tie that around the wounds too." 

He looked to Atticus for permission. 

"I'll blow your fucking head off, Atticus!" I yelled, stepping forward, putting a finger on the trigger. 

"Do it!" Atticus yelled at Finn. 

He scurried, Isaac and Ethan now helping her sit up while Finn ripped off the first layer of her dress and tying that with my tie over her wounds to slow the bleeding. 

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