46| Sin

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Chapter 46: Sin (Callum's POV)

"Not this one, right?" she asked Daisy, holding up a lavender gown. 

"That's stunning but I don't know. I don't like the full-sleeved thing. I think you should wear strapless." 

"I don't like strapless," she mumbled under her breath, putting the dress back. 

"Oh, by the way, are you matching your dress with Callum's tie?" she asked. 

Clara shrugged, "We haven't talked about—" 

"Yes." They both looked behind her where Wyatt and I were walking over with our new suits in two bags. "It'll match my tie," I grinned, not telling her about the eavesdropping. 

"You know the guy is supposed to match the tie to the dress, right?" she smiled. 

"But I already picked a tie. And you're the one having trouble deciding. Here." I dug into the box and pulled out the box. I opened it, showing her the tie. 

"It's baby blue," She smiled widely. 

"See, I know you like baby blue. I'll help you, come on." 

Wyatt and Daisy split up from us and then she headed into the changing rooms with all the dresses I had picked for her. "Show me all of them," I smiled, sitting on the sofa in front of the changing rooms. I think I'm more excited than her now. 

She went inside and came out showing me each and every dress. 

I mostly said, "You look pretty" for almost all of them. But I haven't had the 'oh my god, I just fell in love' kind of reaction. So, I hope this last one is the one. 

She tried it on and then pushed the door open, stepping. I blinked, surprised. I didn't know she could look so... stunning. She was short, but she didn't look like it. The dress hugged her torso with its corset nicely and made her look leaner. It flowed right along her legs making them look longer through the slit. And the sequins looked beautiful, the thin straps making the dress look delicately elegant. 

I think this one might be the one. 

She threw her hair up in a low bun. "What do you think?" She looked up from the dress, searching my reaction. 

My eyes went down and then slowly came back up. 

"What?" she chuckled, brushing the dress lightly. "How do I look?" She walked over, standing a little closer to me. 

"Spin," I mumbled. 

She spun around slowly once, giving me a 360 view. 

"Oh fuck," I sighed, my hand resting on my chest. 

She rolled her eyes, smiling. "I didn't ask you to be dramatic, just tell me what you think," she laughed. 

"Clara Desmond," I sighed again, staring at her. 

"I'll take that as a yes?" 

I nodded quickly. "A thousand yeses. You look breathtaking," I chuckled, standing up and walking over. 

"What kind of breathtaking?" she asked while I grabbed either side of her face, tilting her head up. 

"You make me want to commit a sin right here kind of breathtaking," I smirked. 

"And which sin is that?" 

I laughed. I kissed her, my hand slowly finding the zipper. I know that she knows what I'm doing. "Oh, and it's not hard to take off," I grinned. 

"I'm going to change back into my clothes." She rolled my eyes while smiling before turning around and going back into the room, changing out of the dress and into her clothes. We took all the dresses out, left them where we were told to, and took the one we chose to the counter. She pulled her wallet out of her pocket but I snatched it away and put it back in her pocket while using my other hand to take out my own. "What are you doing?" she asked, looking between my face and hand that was now taking out my card. 

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