23| Remedy

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Chapter 23: Remedy (Clara's POV)

Lunch was coming to an end and I still had no message from him, letting me know he was awake. I wasn't sure if he was still really sleeping or not texting me because he thought I would skip classes to go see him. 

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back," Daisy said before standing up and leaving. 

I sighed, staring at my blank phone screen and then the soup in front of me. After a lot of groveling and begging, I had the lunch lady go and make this soup for him. It's a special soup. My parents always make it for me when I'm sick so I thought why not make some for him. 

"You know, if you ask the principal for the keys to his room, I'm sure she'll give them to you." 

I looked up at Wyatt. "Huh?" 

"I mean come on, you even had soup made for him. You have to go see him now," he teased. 

"What if he's still sleeping?" 

"Then you can wake him up. Because he hasn't eaten since this morning. And he barely had some cereal then too. He needs to eat." 

"But Daisy—" 

"Then you best get going before she comes back," he chuckled. 

"You just want to be alone with her," I smirked, standing up. "But thanks for the idea, bye," I waved and then started running to the principal's office, squeezing through the busy hallways, occasionally bumping into people. I knocked on the principal's door, catching my breath. 

"Come in!" 

I opened the door and saw her eating her lunch. Alone. I frowned. 

"Yes?" she cleared her throat. 

"Um, sorry. Hi, I was wondering if I could get the spare keys to Callum's room? Just for now. He's actually sick and someone needs to wake him up so he can eat. I'm done with my classes for today so I thought I could do it," I shrugged. 

"The spare keys?" 

"I'll give them back, promise," I said quickly. 

She nodded slowly, wheeling her chair back and opening the drawer. She scanned it and then found the keys, handing them to me. "Here," she smiled. 

"Principal Michelle, if you don't mind me asking, why aren't having lunch with the other teachers in the staff room?" 

"Even adults can be bad at making friends, honey," she chuckled. Her eyes fell to the soup. "What's that?" 

"Oh, I had some soup made for him. It's like a remedy. My parents used to make it for me, mostly my uh... mom." 

She nodded in understanding. "You best get it to him while it's still hot." 

"Right," I chuckled, turning to leave. I stopped at the door. "Mr. Robert speaks very highly of you. I'm sure you two can be friends," I said. 

"Mr. Robert? From the languages department?" 

I nodded, "Enjoy your day." And then I left. 

It's true. Multiple times in our classes, Mr. Robert ends up telling a story about the principal or talking about the principal. Maybe he likes her, who knows, honestly? 

I rushed to the stairs and started running. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, where do you think you're going?" Finn chuckled, blocking my way. Thank god none of his friends are here. 

"Move," I huffed. 

"Or what, new girl?" 

"Here, hold this." I handed him the soup. 

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