19| Kitty

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Chapter 19: Kitty (Clara's POV)

"Non," I answered. 

"Um, tu es de New York?" He's asking if I am from New York. 

We've been studying French for an hour and I'm over it. So I've decided to answer all of his questions with no. 

"Non," I shrugged. 

"Menteuse," he smirked. 

Calling me a liar now, is he? 

"Ne m'appelle pas une menteuse," I scoffed. 

Don't call me a liar. 

"Mais tu es une menteuse." He cocked a brow at me. 

But you are a liar. 

"Je m'ennuie," I said slowly. 

I'm bored. 

"Oh, je vois. Qu'est-ce que tu aimerais faire?" Really? Now he decides to ask me what I would like to do? 

"Non plus de français." 

No more French. 

"Fine, an hour is enough as it is," he sighed in defeat, closing all the books and putting them away. 

I sighed in relief, standing up and stretching. "Finally, can we do something?" I groaned. 

"What do you want to do? Everybody is still in class for another hour at least," he said, glancing at the time on his phone. 

"Let's go somewhere on campus. I'm sure there are still parts of it I haven't seen. Will you show me?" I asked, hooking my keys onto my jeans. 

"I'm sure there are restricted parts of it that you haven't seen." He stood up, dusting his jeans off. "But yeah, I'll show you," he smirked. He started gathering his things but I snatched them away and threw them on my desk. 

"You can get your stuff later, come on." I pulled him outside with me and started going to the staircase. 

"You want to see a spot on campus that no one else knows about?" 

"I'm convinced that you know this place more than anybody else. Take me away," I laughed. We went to the library, walking upstairs. "Why are we here?" I asked, keeping my voice down as per the rules. 

"There's a secret staircase here that leads to the highest balcony. It's practically a rooftop." 

I gasped, "Can we go?" 

"We can, but we're not allowed to. I go there sometimes to clear my head," he nodded, pretending to look through the books. "Come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the very corner. 

It seems like a dead-end to me. "This is just a wall," I mumbled. 

He reached up to the top shelf and pulled one book out halfway before putting it back in its place. The wall jutted out and he pushed it further, making it open. 

It's a door? Are you freaking kidding me? 

"Hurry," he whispered. 

I walked through and he followed behind me, closing it shut. "How are we going to get out?" I asked, looking at the door. 

He froze momentarily. "It opens back up, uh, don't worry." 

Then I trailed behind him to the glass door which had a clear view of our surroundings and a small view of the Ilea outside of our campus. I forgot Ilea is an entire kingdom, not just our school. 

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