41| Found

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Chapter 41: Found (Clara's POV)

We went all the way up to my room first to leave the bowl and then we went back down to the library. 

"Why are we at the library?" I asked while he grabbed my hand, locking our fingers together. 

"So we're not left alone, brooding in our pathetic thoughts," he mumbled, looking through the books. 

"Are you looking for a specific book?" I asked when it seemed like he was. 

"Yeah. Give me a minute, I'll come back with it," he said before leaving my hand and heading to a different aisle. 

I stood there and looked around and then just waited. "What's taking him so long?" I asked myself before I left the aisle and started looking around the library for him. I went upstairs because that's where he normally goes in the library but he wasn't there either. I came back downstairs, looking left and right. I was about to walk to the left side where I hadn't checked yet but then a hand clamped down on my arm. I spun around and found his grinning face. 

"I found you," he smiled. 

"You found me," I said absentmindedly. 


I looked down at the book as he placed it in my hand. "Ugly Love?" I asked, staring at the blue cover. 

"I read a little bit, it's like the books you read. I thought you'd like it." 

I looked back at him, trying not to smile. 

"What?" he asked. 

"I have this. I've read it hundreds of times. It's like the books I read, so of course, I've read it," I chuckled, handing it back to him. "I have a copy in my room. But you can read it." 

"I wanted to pick a good book for you, it's not my fault you've read every romance novel there is," he scoffed. 

I linked my arm with his and pulled both of us to the romance aisle. "Here. Why don't you pick me one and I'll pick you one? You can always just check if I've read it or not before taking it out, hmm?" 

He nodded. I looked at the left side and he looked at the right before we switched. I grabbed the stool, reaching up and grabbing the copy of Sweet Filthy Boy. 

It's one of my favorites. It has the perfect plot. Two strangers meet in Vegas, one-night stand, but they catch feelings, and then she follows him to Paris where he lives and they get their happily ever after. After facing problems, of course. 

I got down and walked over to him. "Here. You might like it." 

He looked at me and then at the cover of the book. He read the back and then nodded. "It seems like a sweet romance." 

I nodded, "It is. But it's steamier than you'd think." 

He arched a brow at me. 

"They have a lot of sex." 

He seemed even more amused. "And you liked that?" 

I scoffed, "It's a book with a couple. Of course, they have sex." 

"So, every couple has sex then?" 

I narrowed my eyes at him. "In books, yes." 

"And what about in real life? People that are together don't have sex?" he asked and then resumed finding me something to read. 

"After a certain time period, of course, they do. Haven't you?" 

He glanced at me and then back to the shelf.

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