32| Missed

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Chapter 32: Missed (Callum's POV)

She scoffed, shaking her head and I tapped into her thoughts. 


Is she thinking about me? 

I couldn't possibly make it any more obvious, what does he want me to do? 

Does she want me to... 

I can't believe he missed such a perfect moment. 


"I'm still hungry. Can I go?" She didn't wait for my answer and pushed past me, her shoulder bumping into my arm. 

I grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. 

"What?" She raised her brows at me. I looked at her in confusion. 

Should have kissed me when you could. 

Before I could even say anything, she freed herself from me and went back into the cafeteria. She wanted me to kiss her. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I sighed to myself, leaning against the wall and tilting my head back. 

"Sheesh. How'd you miss such a perfect moment?" My head snapped to the left where Atticus was standing. I glared at him. "She was dying for you to kiss her," he chuckled, walking over to me. "Well," he shrugged. "Too little, too late. But I'll tell you what." He stood in front of me. "I wouldn't have missed an opportunity like that." He smirked. "Oh wait, my bad. I won't.

I pushed myself off the wall but he shoved me back into it. 

"Don't lose your temper now. Save it. I'll let you play her hero a little longer," he chuckled. "Isn't that what you want? To be the good guy for once?" 

My jaw ticked while my hands formed into fists. 

"To be chosen for once?" He glared at me. 

The cafeteria door opened, both of us looking at it. Clara came out, tucking her phone into her pocket while holding the can of coke. She looked between us, probably surprised to see him. She walked to the trash, ready to throw the can away. 

"Is she throwing away the drink you got her?" Atticus chuckled, looking at me. 

She sighed, shaking the can. "It's empty," she grinned at him. 

He rolled his eyes, walking away and she turned her attention to me. 


She turned around, walking away too. 

I hit the back of my head on the wall, groaning and letting a string of curses come out. I hate that he's right. But he is. I do want to be the good guy. The right guy. For her. Because I do want to be chosen. By her. 

☆*・゚✫ ✫*・゚☆ ✫*・゚☆ ✫*・゚☆

The whole goddamn week, she's been avoiding me. She would occasionally say hi or sit with me in class when she would have to for any partner work. Mostly in history, but other than that? She's avoiding me like the plague. 

What do I do? 

Tomorrow is Saturday. If I don't do something tonight, I can't see her until Monday. I think I read her thoughts a little too late that day. If I would have read them earlier, I would know that what she wanted was for me to kiss her. 

"Callum!" I looked over my shoulder, spotting Wyatt running over. 

"What's up?" I asked. 

"Your classes are done for the day, right? You're free now?" 

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