33| Here

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Chapter 33: Here (Clara's POV)

It's Friday night. Everyone goes out on Friday nights. I guess that's why the school is so empty right now. 

Daisy and I were just walking around campus when we saw Atticus with two of his friends. But he was wearing a hoodie rather than just a t-shirt. He spotted me and walked over while I resisted a groan. 

"Hey," he grinned. 

Does he have memory loss or major mood swings? He always acts like he hasn't done anything and we're pals that go way back. 

"Um, hey. Are you going somewhere?" I frowned in confusion looking at the hoodie he was wearing. It's not hoodie season. 

"Yeah. There's an ice skating rink like five minutes from campus. A bunch of people are going. Do you both want to come?" he offered, looking between Daisy and me. 

"Sure," I shrugged. 

"Actually, she's busy. But Daisy's free." I spun around and saw Callum and Wyatt walking over. 

"Do you want to go? I'll join you," Wyatt said to Daisy. 

"Yeah sure," she agreed. 

"And why am I busy?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest. 

He doesn't get to make decisions and plans for me. "I need to talk to you," he said, lowering his voice. 

"You can talk to me tomorrow morning," I retorted. 

"No, I can't. This can't wait. She's busy. You can go." He turned to Atticus. "Now shoo!" 

"Callum!" I exclaimed, smacking his arm while Wyatt and Daisy left. 

"Now you, Ms. Desmond, come with me." He grabbed my hand, locking his fingers with mine, and began taking me away. 

I huffed, letting him drag me away. I always let him do that because his hand feels nice in mine. But he can't walk in and take me away like that because he doesn't own me. "Callum." I stopped, pulling my hand out of his. 

He sighed, turning to me. "What?" 

"What are you doing? Why can't I go ice skating?" 

"Because you'd be going with Atticus." 

"So? It's not just him, a bunch of people from our class went. Why don't you come too?" 

"Sorry, ice skating isn't my thing," he shrugged. Someone is feeling arrogant. 

"You know," I stepped forward. "You've been getting on my nerves all week, you might want to stop now. I am going ice skating with the students. Join me if you will," I shrugged, turning to leave. 

He grabbed my arm, yanking me back and spinning me around to face him. "You are not going anywhere," he said quietly. 

This is pathetic. It's nearly nine pm. We've already had lights out and on Fridays to Sundays, we're allowed to go at night without a curfew. So, why won't he let me? 

"I feel sick," he said. 

I scoffed, "You didn't all week but you do now? That's one hell of a coincidence." 

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever. I feel sick, are you going to help me or not?" 

I looked at him with uncertainty. 

"I'll drop you home tomorrow on my way back. You can just stay with me tonight." 

"I don't need to stay with you." 

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