45| Greed

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Chapter 45: Greed (Clara's POV)

"No," he shook his head. 

I whined, kicking my legs around while the four of us sat at our table for dinner. 

It's Thursday night. That fancy party is tomorrow, and while I said earlier that I didn't want to go, Daisy has changed my mind. She told me that she goes every year and it's always so fun dancing, drinking even if it's not alcohol. She said they always put up a photo booth even though that's not exactly royalty but it sounds like an extremely fun night. 

I got better by last night but even then, Callum says we're not going. 

"He's not deciding for you, is he?" Daisy asked. 

"No," I said, shifting in my seat. 

"Are you sure about that?" Wyatt smirked. 

"Yes," I huffed. "Because I'm still going." I turned to Callum. 

"No, you're not," he said, not looking up from his phone. 

"Callum, I'm going whether you come with me or not. I'm the new girl, how can you say you won't let me experience Arcane High properly? And I'm okay now, I'll watch what I eat and drink, I promise," I cried like a baby. "Please come with me!" I grabbed his arm, shaking it. 

"I'm not going and neither are you, Clara. It's not safe, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but listen to Nate. He even warned you." 

I sighed, pouting and staring at my plate. "I'm not eating." I shoved my plate away. 

"I'll shove it down your throat," he said, scrolling through a website. I don't know what he's doing, he's been on that stupid phone all day. 

"Do it," I dared. I snatched his phone away, tucking it into my back pocket. 

He sighed, turning to me. "What do you want?" 

"Are you listening? I want us to go to this party," I huffed. 

"And I'm telling you it's not safe, Clara. Why aren't you understanding?" 

"We're at school, nothing is going to happen to me." 

"I killed someone here. You really want me to believe that?" He arched a brow at me, daring me to prove him wrong. 

I sighed in defeat, choosing to be petty and ignore him. Silent treatment. Always. 

"You can keep doing that, you're still not going." He reached into my back pocket and pulled his phone out, going back on it. 

"Dude, let her go," Wyatt said. "We'll all be there, she'll be by your side the whole night, come on." 

I glanced at him. 

"Mm-mm," he shook his head. 

"Maybe you can ask someone else," Daisy said to me, smirking. 

I tried not to smile. "Who do you think I should ask?" 

"Go with Nate," she shrugged. "At least he can give you a heads up and you can get out before they find you." 

"Or you can go with Atticus and make him think you switched sides," Wyatt snickered. 

Callum looked up, glaring at him. 

"Temporarily of course," Wyatt muttered. 

"Maybe I will," I agreed, knowing I would never in a billion years do that. I'm not stupid, why would I ask the guy who threatened to kill me? "Where is he? I'll go ask him right now." I stood up but Callum grabbed my shirt, yanking me back. 

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