34| Chance

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Chapter 34: Chance (Callum's POV)

She blinked rapidly. "What?" She forced out a laugh. "Why the hell would you kiss me? Why would I want you to kiss me?" 

"Didn't you?" 

She stared at me. 

"That day outside the cafeteria? After you accidentally sent me—" 

"Yeah, yeah, I remember," she huffed. 

I leaned in a little closer to her. "Did you? Want me to kiss you?" 

"No," she mumbled, looking away from me. 

"Hmm," I nodded, staring ahead of us, at the bridge. "That's too bad. I wanted to." 

"What?" I turned back to her and found her already looking at me in surprise and somewhat relief. 


"Y-you uh, you wanted to ki- kiss me?" 

I nodded again, "Mm-hmm." 

"Why didn't you?" 

"Because I didn't think you'd be okay with that. Why would you? Unless you... like me?" I leaned in. 

She didn't even pull back. She just sat still, staring at me. "What?" 

I lifted a brow at her. "Why would you want to kiss me at all unless you like me?" 

"I never said I don't. In fact, I told you that I like you." 

"I didn't know you meant it in that way! Plus, you said it was hypothetical," she scoffed. 

"It's happening right now. Is it still hypothetical?" 

She swallowed, looking away from me again. 

"I mean, you didn't want me to kiss you. Did you?" 

She rolled her eyes, looking at me. "Of course not." 

"Huh, you really are a horrible liar," I chuckled. 

"I'm not lying. Why the hell would I want you to kiss me? Just because you like me, I have to like you too? No. I don't like you," she rambled. 

"Not even a little bit?" 


"Just a little?" 


"So, you don't want to kiss me right now?" 

"Not at all," she said, keeping her chin up. 

"Not even—" 

"No!" She slid off the car. "Let's go under the bridge." 


So I can act like the water is interesting. 

Her thoughts are just... 

"I want to see, come on," she lied.

I slid off the car, walking behind her slowly. She carefully climbed over the railing and I stood behind her. "Try not falling into the water and landing on that patch of grass," I explained, pointing to it. 

She spun around to face me, holding onto the railing with one hand. "What happens if I fall in the water?" 

"You'll be going back home completely soaked," I answered. 

She leaned all the way back, only holding the railing with one hand still. 

"Hold on, Clara." 

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