31| Vibe

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Chapter 31: Vibe (Clara's POV)

The sun had started setting and we were both still out here, dallying, talking, wasting time like we had all the time in the world. 

"Dinner is an hour," he stated, glancing at the time on his phone. 

"Do you want to head back inside?" I asked. 

"Only if you do." 

I smiled, "Let's go. We can come back later." We headed inside but when we got to the door, he halted. "What's wrong?" I questioned, looking at him in confusion. 

"Uh, nothing," he cleared his throat. 

Before he could open the door, someone else pushed it open from the outside. We both stumbled back to avoid getting hit in the face and then froze when we saw the librarian. She saw us, getting startled. "What is going on here?" she huffed, her hand resting on her chest where her heart was probably pounding. "This balcony isn't meant for students," she scolded. 

"I know, but I brought her here," he said quickly. "We just wanted to talk alone. Without other students interfering," he shrugged. 

They both just stared at each other silently for a minute and I was convinced they were communicating with their eyes. 

"Hmm, be on your way then," she nodded, stepping aside. 

"Thank you," he smiled, grabbing a hold of my hand and taking me out with him. 

"How come she didn't say anything?" I asked once we made it out of the library. 

"She doesn't. She's caught me there before once or twice. It's okay, she doesn't care," he shrugged. 

"I get the feeling that teachers like you around here, do they?" 

"Way more than the students do, that's for sure," he scoffed. 

I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Move, move, move! Out of the way!" 

I frowned, looking up into the hallway where a group of freshman boys were chasing each other. 

He grabbed my hand, pushing me into the wall. 

"Hoi," I gasped, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt because I stumbled backward unexpectedly. 

He stood in front of me, his body nearly touching mine. His face was only inches away. And he put his hand on the wall, caging me in, while his other hand was on the small of my back, making sure I didn't hit the wall too hard. He huffed, glaring at the back of their heads while the boys ran past us and to the staircase, rushing downstairs. 

I wasn't breathing. I was aware that I wasn't breathing. And I still wasn't breathing. I don't know if it's because he pushed me against the wall or if it's because he's so close. I can't decide which one out of those two knocked the air out of me. 


I cleared my throat, finally taking in some air and blinking quickly, clearing my head before I looked up at his face. "Yes?" 

"I asked you if you were okay?" 

"Yeah," I nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm good, why?" 

"Because I just... pinned you against the wall?" he chuckled. 

"Was that supposed to hurt?" I frowned. 

"It didn't?" He seems confused. 

I blinked, looking down at his hand that went around my waist and to my back. 

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