17| Glitch

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Chapter 17: Glitch (Clara's POV)

It was now the next morning and it was my third period, a free period. So, I was sitting in the library, trying to get ahead on some history work. 

Apparently, the next topic we'll be covering is Darkling. Whatever that is. Actually, I'm here to find out. 

I went upstairs where I found Callum last time I was in here. I learned that upstairs has better books. I grabbed two books on Darklings and then sat in that same spot. I know that everyone in Ilea thinks people used to have powers here and that's why we learn about them. But I don't have any idea, not a clue, about what a darkling is. 

"What'cha doin?" I looked up as Atticus walked over and then settled in a spot beside me. 

"Hi, Atticus," I smiled. 

"Hey, what's up?" He peered into the book. "Darklings? You're studying them?" 

"I'm trying to get ahead on the syllabus since I missed so much of the last topic. What are you doing here?" 

"I'm just riding out the free period." I nodded and then started reading. 

"You know, they're like a glitch in the system." 

"What?" I laughed. 

"Yeah," he chuckled. "Even then. Um, saying that people in Ilea have powers, darklings are the weird ones. It's not meant to be that way. You're supposed to have one, maybe two powers. Not all of them." 

"All of them?" I blinked in surprise. 

"Yup. They're a glitch in the system of the supernatural." 

"And is that your saying or someone else's?" 

"How does it matter?" 

"Well, I don't think they're a glitch in the system." 

"No?" He lifted a brow at me. 

"No, I think they're the... pleasant surprise." 

"What are you doing?" We both looked up where Callum stood. 

"Hey," I grinned. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"Studying for history," I answered. 

"I mean what are you doing with him?" 

"I just came to say hello," Atticus said while standing up. "Don't you worry. I won't steal her too," he chuckled before walking past him. 

Callum looked at me the whole time. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from him? He's—" 

"Bad news, I know," I nodded. "But so many people say that about you too. That doesn't mean it's true." 

"People say that about me without knowing me. I know him and I am telling you, it's best to stay away from him." 

"But he's so nice to me," I mumbled. 

"Everyone here acts nice, doesn't mean everyone is," he said pointedly, taking the book out of my hands. "What are you reading about?" 

"The next topic of the syllabus. Darklings. Did you know they have every power?" I took the book back, flipping through the pages. 

"Why are you looking into darklings right now? The topic starts next month," he cleared his throat. 

"I'm trying to get ahead on the syllabus to make up for the fact that I missed the beginning of it." 

He eyed me for a minute and I could feel his gaze on the side of my face even as I started reading. "You want to know about darklings?" 

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