36| Cruel

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Chapter 36: Cruel (Callum's POV)

We both sat by side and had been for the past thirty minutes in utter silence, staring at the lake. 

I lost my shit. I wasn't planning on telling her like that. But I don't know what the hell happened to me. I went back to the time as a kid where I would tell people about the things I could because I wanted their help and not only did they look at me like I was crazy, but they didn't believe me at all. My own parents didn't for so many years and everything I said was ignored and brushed off. That's how I felt. She wanted me to prove it, so I did. 

"Did Kiara wanting to kill you have anything to do with what you are?" 

That is the first question she asks me? 

I turned to look at her. "There's a curse that comes with being a darkling. It's more about the darkling and their soulmate. She read that curse completely wrong. She thought killing me could somehow give her my powers or let her give them to someone else. She wanted them for Atticus. She was crazy and she drove him insane too. And he let her. He was so blinded by her charms," I said, rolling my eyes. "Clara, look, I understand if you need time to process it. All of it. Take as much time as you need. If you don't want to see me then just—" 

"Just shut up, Callum Nikolai," she snapped. 

I quieted down, staring at her. 

She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I don't know what I should be more affected by. That you're a darkling, that supernatural beings fucking exist, or that you killed your ex-girlfriend because she was secretly a motherfucking psycho!" 

We both sat in silence for a little longer. 

"You killed someone." 

"I did," I nodded. I realized a long time ago that I need to stop hating myself for that. I didn't do it to hurt her. I did it to save myself. And I would do it over and over again. 

"Do you regret it?" she asked. 

"No. I would do it again. If I don't, if I didn't, I wouldn't be alive right now." 

She groaned, "God, supernatural people exist?! How many do I know?" 

"Um, well there's me, there's Wyatt, he can read minds. Atticus has telekinesis, uh, Nate can become a shadow—" 

"What about Daisy?" Her eyes widened. 

"No, your best friend is human," I confirmed. 

She nodded in understanding. "Okay, okay. Now remind me, what can you do?" 

"Didn't you study this in the library?" 

She glared at me. 

I cleared my throat, straightening up. "I can control fire, electricity, I can make flowers bloom, I can heal from anything, I have telekinesis, I can become a shadow and also invisible along the walls, I have really good hearing. I can hear through walls sometimes. I can teleport. I can erase anybody's dream, I can compel people but I'm not very good at it. Still learning that one. And I can read minds." 

"Have you... read my mind before?" 

I nodded slowly. 

She closed her eyes, cringing. "When?" 

"When we fought last week outside the cafeteria." 

"And you still didn't kiss me?!" 

"I read your thoughts a little too late, sorry! I um, I read them regularly, actually. You think a lot about me, kissing me, my body. I think you've thought of fucking me once."

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