3| Interested

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Chapter 3: Interested (Clara's POV)

"Wow, you made this room look like this within two hours of being here?" she chuckled, looking around. 

"Yeah, what do you think?" I asked, looking at the room. It looks just like my old one. 

"I think it looks amazing. Did you plan it all out?" 

"I actually wanted it to look like my old room. From New York," I shrugged. 

"I'm right next door, by the way. In case you need anything. So, are you free now or still unpacking?" she asked. "Lunch is in an hour." 

"I think I'll put up some clothes in the closet until then," I replied. 

"Okay, so I'll come get you, and then we can head on out to the cafeteria?" Before I could even say yes, she said, "Or actually, why don't I help you?" 

"Oh, you don't have to, really," I chuckled. 

"I don't have anything else to do anyway, come on," she laughed, putting her bag down by my bed while explaining to me that even though this is high school, it's more like college. There are no more than four classes a day, some days with no classes at all, and a lot of free time. 

So we spent the next hour talking, getting to know each other, and setting up my closet. 

"So, my dad tells me winter doesn't really happen here. Is that true?" I asked.

"Yeah, kind of. It doesn't get cold here. A little chilly sometimes during the winter months but not too much." 

"So, all my cute winter clothes that were essential in New York are best at home, right?" 

"Right," she laughed. 

We were mostly done by the time the house ended. The rest I would do later. 

"Let's go for lunch, come on," she suggested.

I grabbed my room key and phone and then followed her out. She dropped her bag in her room and then we headed downstairs. 

"So, how many people have you met so far?" she asked, glancing at me. 

"You," I laughed. 

"That's it?" 

"There was one guy named Atticus, I think. The principal asked him to show me to my room." 

"Atticus Sylvaine?" 

I shrugged in response, "I didn't get a last name." 

"That guy?" She pointed ahead of us at a group of boys who were heading upstairs. 

"Yeah," I replied once we walked past them. 

"What do you think of him?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me. 

I laughed, looking at her weirdly. "He's okay. Seemed normal." 

She looked at me in confusion. "You don't think he's attractive?" 

"I wasn't thinking of that, I don't know. I didn't pay much attention to him. I was looking at the building. Speaking of, when the hell was this place built?" 

"Sometime in the 1700's I think. Why?" 

"I like the interior," I said, looking up at the ceiling. 

Most of the school is black with some dark greys. The walls are black with gold detailing, the ceiling is also black with small colorful chandeliers every few feet in the shape of different flowers. It looks beautiful. 

"Thanks for offering to show me around, by the way," I said as we reached downstairs and started making our way to what I assume is the cafeteria. 

"No problem," she smiled. "But wait, you really don't think Atticus is attractive?" She looked at me in disbelief. 

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