26| Drained

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Chapter 26: Drained (Callum's POV)

I walked into the cafeteria, rubbing my eyes tiredly, trying to ignore my stuffy nose. 


I looked up, seeing her balancing both our lunch trays. 

She scanned the tables, finding Daisy who was waving her over with Wyatt. "Sit with us!" 

"I have to get back," she replied, trying not to drop the strawberry milk on her tray. 

"Just take a break, come on. Two minutes," Wyatt nodded. 

Asshole. I could be dying upstairs. 

She sighed in defeat and walked over, putting the trays down. She pushed them away and whined, putting her head down on the table, facing the empty chair I usually sit on. 

"What's wrong with you?" Daisy asked. 

"I'm so drained. I didn't realize how exhausting it would be catching up in all my subjects, you know," she complained, resting her head on her arm and closing her eyes. 

She's drained. And taking care of me is probably draining her even more. 

Wyatt spun around, his eyes landing on me. 

I forgot you can read minds. 

I know he read that too. He smiled cheekily and then resumed sketching. I walked over to the table, ignoring the eyes on me for being in my pajamas. I scratched the back of my head, sitting down and putting my pounding head on the table, resting it on my arm like Clara was. I was facing her. Actually, I was staring at her. 

Does she know you like her? 

Why is Wyatt trying to talk like this? 


His foot nudged mine. 

Keep it that way. 

I frowned. 

Or what? 

Wyatt cleared his throat and Clara sighed, "I should get back." She opened her eyes which widened as she saw me. She shot out of her seat, standing upright. "Sorry. Did you come down here because you were hungry? I was heading back anyway. Come on, we can—" 

I grabbed her hand, pulling her back down. "I'm already here. We can eat," I said. 

"Why did you come down here?" she scolded, sliding my tray over to me. "You're meant to be in bed and resting." 

"I'm just a little sick, Clara. I'm not dying," I scoffed. 

"Don't say that like it's nothing," she snapped, her gaze hardening. 

I opened my mouth to say something and then realized why she must have felt offended. "Sorry, I didn't—" 

"I didn't know if you like strawberry or chocolate. Here. I'll take the one you don't want," she said, cutting me off while pointing to the two milk cartons. "Actually, have them both. I'm not hungry." She stood up, pushing her chair back, and then turned to leave. 

I grabbed her wrist. "Clara, I..." I sighed. 

"I'm fine. I just need a minute," she said softly, pulling her wrist out of my grasp before rushing out of there. She crashed into someone at the door but didn't bother stopping. 

I groaned, closing my eyes. 

"You're just such an idiot, aren't you? What is wrong with you?" Wyatt smacked my shoulder. 

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