47| Abyss

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Chapter 47: Abyss (Clara's POV)

Callum and I had been swaying like the others for the past twenty minutes. It's nearly midnight now, I have no idea how much longer the party will last. 

"Aren't you getting tired?" he asked. 

I shook my head, grinning widely like I had been this whole night. "Not at all. I'm enjoying this too much to feel the shoe bites at my feet. I'm enjoying you," I whispered, pecking his lips yet again. 

We kiss a lot, Jesus. 

"Just not enough to not have to use the bathroom," I chuckled, pulling away from him. 

"I'll take you, come on." 

I kept my hand in his, both of us walking out and to the nearest bathroom. I went inside while he stood outside, waiting for me. I came out of the stall and washed my hands, sighing and staring at myself in the mirror. "How did I get so lucky to find someone like him?" I asked myself while grabbing two tissues and drying my hands, tossing the crumpled-up tissues away. 

I ran my fingers through my hair and touched my flushed cheeks to cool them down a little before adjusting my dress and leaving. "Do you think they have any iced—" I cut myself short, frowning in confusion at the empty hallway. "Callum?" I called out, my voice echoing off the walls of the empty space. "Callum?" I asked a little louder, looking at the boys' bathroom. I waited for three minutes, by the time on my phone, but he didn't come out of there either. 

Where did he go? 

Then I heard a bunch of screams coming from the gym. I started heading there but stopped when two students came rushing out. "What happened?" I asked, watching as they ran past me. 

"Nate cut his arm!" 

"What?!" I yelled after them. 

"Go check it out!" 

I huffed in frustration. How could he possibly cut his arm? There are no knives or food up here. I clicked my tongue in frustration, watching as the two ran downstairs, rushing to the nurse's office. 

I picked up my dress, ready to head back to the gym but someone grabbed my arm, yanking my back and clamping a hand over my mouth. I grabbed his hand, trying to throw it off while letting out muffled screams. But then I froze when I felt the cold steel of a dagger on my throat. 

"Shh, be quiet." 

I took shaky breaths, trying to calm my raging heart. It must be a joke. It has to be. 

"You're going to come with me now, understand? And you won't make a single noise. If you do..." He pressed the dagger deeper, my skin burning at the sharp edge. 

I nodded frantically, my eyes tearing up almost immediately. 

He walked backward, dragging me with him before turning around and forcing me down the staircase. I knew his voice when he opened his mouth. It's Atticus. "Keep moving," he scolded when I tried slowing down. We got to the auditorium where he opened the double doors and shoved me inside. 

I exhaled, putting my hand to my chest and catching my breath. 

"Get on the stage." 

"What the hell are you—" 

He held the dagger up, under my chin. "Get. On. The. Stage." 

"Okay, okay," I mumbled, turning around and climbing the small steps in the corner, getting on the stage. 

"Sit down." 

I sat on the single chair that was in the dead center. 

"Throw your phone to me." 

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