51| Epilogue

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Chapter 51: Epilogue (Clara's POV)

10 years later...

I shoved the rest of the oreo in my mouth before turning the stove off, dusting my hands. Now I have to go find those two. "Callum! Ellie!" I followed the noise of her giggles and laughter and entered the backyard. I stood at the door, watching them. I couldn't help but smile, I really couldn't help it. 

He's the perfect father. 

She laughed even louder as he pushed the swing higher. His eyes caught mine and he winked. I chuckled, blowing him a kiss. He caught it, pressing it to his chest. He made a habit of doing that ever since we graduated. I don't know what the story is. Something about how he thought I would go back to New York and wanted to keep all the kisses I blew close to his heart. 

He slowed the swing down and Ellie hopped off, running over to him, around the swing. "Okay, now show me what you practiced today," he nodded, taking her to the rose bush in the corner. 

I actually birthed a child that is supernatural. My daughter is a darkling. I watched her in awe while she delicately touched the flower, careful of the thorns, and brought a brand new bud to life. 

She giggled, jumping up and down ecstatically before turning to Callum, lifting up her arms, asking to be carried. It's a bad habit he's made her accustomed to. Being carried everywhere. I can't really blame him though, can I? She's our daughter, our only child. Of course, we're going to treat her and spoil her like a princess. 

He picked her up, swinging her around while holding her like a bride as they came back in. He stopped in front of me, setting her down. "Hi," he grinned, unbuttoning his shirt. I glanced down at his body. Still the same. 

We did it all a little too young, I think. But I don't regret it. We got married at twenty-one. I was twenty-three when I had Ellie. And now she's four years old. 

Oh my... I met him ten whole years ago. A decade ago. 

I blinked, realizing that I was zoned out, staring at his body. "Lovely. Still looks the same to me," I nodded, appreciatively. "Is it still just as sensitive?" I smirked, running my nails over his abs. 

He's obsessed with that. Always asks me to do it. He always gets chills when I do though. "It feels nice," he grinned, stepping closer to me. 

"Dinner's ready, come eat," I smiled, swiveling around and escaping. 

He grabbed my belt loop, yanking me back. My back collided straight with his chest. "Isn't Ellie going with our parents tomorrow? To stay with the Carrington's?" 

"Mm-hmm," I nodded without turning to look at him. "Why?" 

"I have no meetings tomorrow." 

"Last I checked, you do." 

"And when was the last time you checked?" he whispered, resting his chin on my shoulder. 

"This morning." 

"Well, lucky for us I pushed everything to the day after. We're getting the palace to ourselves for the first time in nearly a year. I'm not wasting that opportunity." 

"To do what exactly?" I smiled. Normally, I don't do this housewifey thing. I like doing it once in a while. Normally, the housemaid cooks dinner and we all eat together. Ellie, Callum, his parents, and my dad joins us too. But on nights like this, when he comes back late from the office, I like to cook it for him. "Where has Ellie gone now?" I asked, neither of us moving. 

We heard a spoon fall. 

"I think she's enjoying dinner," he chuckled deeply, purposely doing it in my ear. 

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