11| Visitor

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Chapter 11: Visitor (Clara's POV)

It was now the next morning and Daisy and I were sitting at our usual table, having breakfast. The chair beside her screeched as Wyatt sat down and they both started exchanging photographs for their painting and whatnot. 

I jumped when a book was slammed down on the table in front of me. 

The Hating Game. 

I looked up as Callum pulled the chair and sat down. "He left the job." 

"What?" I chuckled. 

"Joshua. He left the job," he said, pointing to the book. 

"He just left that department. They couldn't be together if he stayed in that department. You finished the whole book?" 

"I finished it an hour after leaving your room." 

I raised my eyebrows, nodding because I was impressed. "So, you read like a lot, huh?" 

"Yeah. And after reading that, I remembered why I don't read romance novels." 

"Romance novels are the best, what are you talking about? And they had a happy ending." 

"He didn't. He left that job. The job he was so good at and got paid so well for. And she kept going." 

"The book isn't about him or her, it's about their relationship. He put her before himself." 

"And she didn't." 

"So?" I shrugged. "One person always loves more than the other. Obviously, that was Joshua. That's why he kissed her in the elevator, knowing well that she was on her way to a date." 

"He shouldn't have left that job." 

"So... he should have been selfish?" 

"He could have gotten promoted instead of her." 

"Yeah, but he wanted her to be happy. So he stepped back and let her have it. And it was so special for her because he made it. He gave her the chance she so desperately wanted." 

"He wanted it too," he argued. 

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "She wanted it more than him, and he wanted her more than it. So he gave in and stepped away. For her. Because he loved her. He chose to be selfless for the girl he loved rather than selfish for himself." 

"A stupid decision." 

"People in love make stupid decisions all the time," I shrugged, opening my bag and putting the book away. Then I took out Serpent & Dove which I finished last night. "Here." 

"What do I do with this?" 

"It's a book, you read it," I said mockingly. "You liked this one too. It's different but I think you'll like it more." 

The bell rang, signaling that the first period was about to start. I had French next and Callum did too, so we walked together. I know he isn't opening up that much, but we had a start yesterday. I want to know him, I want to be his friend or... something. Anything. 

We settled in our seats and he sat behind me. "What's this one about?" he asked. 

I turned in my seat to look at him. "Why don't you read and find out?" 

He looked up from the book and his eyes met mine. "Will I be left frustrated?" 

"Maybe a little," I chuckled. 

He sighed, putting it in his bag as Mr. Robert walked in. 

The class was going by like normal, I was a little more caught up on the subject. But I was busy doodling when he picked on me. 

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