50| Love

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Chapter 50: Love (Callum's POV)

I wanted to thrash my body around. I was trapped in my own body. Had been for the past two months, I believe. I can hear everything. Feel everything. I just can't talk or move my body. 

Clara comes every day. Wyatt too. My parents too. They all talk to me like nothing's wrong. And I listen. 

It hurts a lot hearing her cry. I don't think she's ever been here and not cried. She sobs her heart out every single time. She's blaming herself for it. I can hear her say it. I hear her apologizing but I can't tell her that it's not her fault, it's mine. I got her involved in the first place. 

I think she'll be here soon for today. 

She stays the whole day. Sometimes, she stays the nights too. She sleeps while sitting on the stool, holding my hand. Or she lies down on the couch I know is here. Sometimes she even sneaks into bed with me, even though she was told not to. I like that she does it. She's allowed to be selfish. Perhaps I am too since I enjoy it when she hugs me like that. It doesn't hurt anymore. 

I've heard the doctor tell my father that I'm healed. All they have to do now is wait for me to wake up. I think two days ago, they took off the oxygen mask since I could breathe on my own. 

"You have to try." 


"You want me to talk more to him? To act like I'm happy so he has more motivation to wake up?" 

My girlfriend. 

"Yes! Doesn't it make sense?" 

That's strange. They're not in the room. How can I hear them? Wait a fucking second. 

Did I just get my powers back? 

Electricity, come on. It's the one time you can help me more than you hurt me. 

I felt a jolt in my fingertips, it went up my arm. And I heard the fluorescent lights flicker and spark. I could feel my finger twitching. 

"Okay, fine." 

The door opened and I stilled even more if that was possible. 

"Hey, Callum," they said in sync. 

I can heal again. I have that power again. 

I used all the brainpower I could muster to bring myself to heal and come out of this stupid coma that I've been stuck in for two whole months. I'm done with it. I want to be able to hug my mom and dad, hug Wyatt, hug Clara. Kiss Clara. Tell her I love her. Show her I love her. 

"You won't guess what happened today," Clara laughed. It was fake. She isn't happy. She sighed, stuttering for a while. "I'm sorry, I can't do it." Her hand tightened around mine. "I can't lie like this," she groaned. 

"Then don't. Be honest. Just please, say something that can force him awake," Wyatt groaned before smacking my thigh. "Wake the fuck up, it's getting annoying now, shitface!" 

Oh, just you wait. 

I could hear my heart monitor beep just a little faster. By no more than two beats per minute more. 

Callum, I love you. 

She loves me? 

"I love you." She's talking now. "Callum, I love you," she repeated, exhaling shakily. "Please, wake up. Please, I love you." 

"Pull out the 'baby,'" Wyatt mumbled. 

Can he shut up? 

She chuckled softly. "Baby," she sang, brushing my hair back. I could feel it. Her touch. Her love. I can feel it in the room. I can feel it in our connection. I can literally feel our tether. "I love you, baby," she said. I could hear her smile. I felt a kiss on my cheek from her side. 

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