21| Change

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Chapter 21: Change (Clara's POV)

Daisy and I were sitting at our table for dinner. "Why do you keep looking at the door?" she asked. 

"No reason," I shrugged, tapping the chopsticks against my plate to level them out before grabbing a dumpling. 

"Are you waiting for someone to walk in here?" 

"No," I said, stuffing my mouth with the entire dumpling. 

She looked at me weirdly, taking a bite out of hers. 

The doors opened and Callum and Wyatt walked in. And then I choked. 

"Jesus, are you okay?" she asked, opening my bottle of water and handing it to me. 

I nodded, drinking a few sips. 

Callum was busy talking to Wyatt as they got in line, then they grabbed their food. He stopped and started scanning the room. 

"Stop staring at him!" Daisy whisper-yelled. 

"I'm not staring at anyone," I scoffed, looking back at her. 

She shot me a pointed look and then rolled her eyes, shaking her head. 

"Shut up, he's cute," I mumbled, looking back at him. 

"That's not what everyone else thinks." 

"Everyone doesn't talk to him. Ask Wyatt, he'll agree with me," I argued. 

Callum spotted me, smiling softly. He started walking over with Wyatt and then... 

"Enjoying your dinner?" 

"Uh oh," I mumbled, watching as Atticus blocked his way. 

"What do you want?" Callum asked, rolling his eyes. Everyone quieted down at their tables and turned to look at them and listen to their conversation. 

"Going to sit with her, aren't you?" Atticus asked. 

"What are you talking about?" 

Atticus turned around, pointing straight at me. "Little Miss New Girl," he chuckled. 

I shuffled in my seat, looking down at my plate. 

"What is your problem?" Callum asked, lifting a brow at him. "That she doesn't want to be friends with or that she doesn't like you?" 

Atticus stepped closer to him almost threateningly but Callum didn't seem too bothered. 

"There are rules set by the principal, you know? Be careful," Callum taunted him, smiling smugly. Which from the looks of it, he really shouldn't be doing. Unless he's looking for trouble. 

"I'm not scared to break the rules, Callum," Atticus replied. 

"You should be. We both know how your dad would react if he found out," he replied. 

"We should get out of here," Daisy whispered. We both slowly and quietly stood up. 

"Sit down!" Atticus yelled, startling us both. 

I fell back into my seat, pushing my tray away while Daisy did the same. I looked over, my eyes meeting Callum's. 

"Don't yell," he said, looking back at Atticus, his jaw clenching. 

"Or what?" Atticus stepped even closer. The only thing separating them is the tray in Callum's hand. 

Atticus glanced down at the tray then turned to look at me. I watched and sat still. I didn't know what else to do. Then Atticus put his hand under the tray and smacked it out of Callum's hand. All the food fell and the tray landed on the floor with a loud clatter. And he did it so suddenly that it startled everyone, and everybody gasped. 

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