28. Seond first date

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James' pov

I couldn't sleep last night for some reason so I just lay in my bed thinking and I realised that Emma have only been on one date and that was ruined by those Sam and Jake guys who kidnapped us so basically we haven't been on a proper decent date yet. It makes me feel like a rubbish boyfriend to think that I have taken her out on a date and spent some quality time with her and made her feel like a princess so that is exactly what I am going to do. I am going to take her on a second first date, a better one that will be flawless.

Emma is in college until three o'clock today so I have from now until then to come up with the perfect idea and get it all ready and set up for when she finished. It is quarter past nine now so I have five hours and forty-five minutes to get everything done. 

I think about everything that Emma could enjoy doing and what could be the perfect idea but I can't think of anything. I make a mental list of all the things we enjoy doing but no ideas suitable for the perfect date spring to mind. I groan on bury my head in my hands. How hard is it to come up with the perfect date? I may need a bit of help. 

Connor is in Aberdeen visiting some family for the day and Tristan is out with some old school mates so I can't ask them but Brad is having a lazy day so I could ask him but I only want to ask him if it is urgent because I don't want to ruin his day of relaxation because we all need it as we've been working so hard promoting the single and now talking about making an album. 

There is a knock on the door and my head shoots up as the door opens revealing my mum.

"I'm going to the shops in a minute to do some shopping do you want to come?"

"I'm alright thanks." I sigh.

"Okay do you need anything?" I shake my head. "Are you okay? You seem distracted." She asks as she makes her way across the room and sits on the bed in front of me.

"I can't think of any ideas for the perfect date. Everyone can come up with ideas so easily and I can't even think of one lousy idea! I realised last night that I've only taken Emma out on one date and that was ruined because of the while kidnapping stuff so I want to take her on a date tonight and spoil her because she deserves it but I have no ideas." I groan again throwing my head back into my hands. Mum giggles and I peak through my hands seeing her shake her head slightly.

"James you are funny. You stress about the smallest things sometimes."

"This isn't small. She must think I am a complete douche because I've done nothing for her! What sort of a boyfriend am I?" I express getting worked up and stressing out a little bit more.

"James I bet she doesn't think that. You've done quite a lot for Emma without even realising it. A girl doesn't need perfect dates and to be spoiled every day she just needs someone there for her to care for her and she has that. Yes it is nice if you spoil her once in a while but don't stress about it because there is no need. You are spoiling her a lot without realising it James."

"How?" I ask her with a confused look on my face. How am I spoiling her I haven't done anything except cause her more trouble than she already had.

"See you are doing it without realising it. How many times have you made her laugh?"

"I don't know. A few times I guess." I say confused about what that has to do with anything.

"Let me tell you know it is a lot more than a few times. Every time you talk to her you make her laugh. She just has to look at you and you can see she is happier. That is a lot to be able to have that effect on people James. You make her laugh and you care for her. You aren't afraid to show people you are with her either which again means a lot especially around your mates because there is nothing worse than someone treating a girl like muck because their mates are around."

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